
Diet: Unknown (assumed Omnivore)
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: Medium
Culture: Industrious, Religious
Galactic Class: Engineer/Diplomat
Information: Supposedly this creature evolved without a mouth, which makes astro-biologists kind of curious how it produces energy to survive. Medical records provided by the race suggest they convert the air in atmosphere into the nutrients it needs to survive. This is done through their skin. The end result is that this race cannot live on any other planet that doesn’t share the same atmosphere make-up as their home planet.

In order to communicate with one another, they have developed a collar that audibly and visually translates psychic brain waves. This contraption can be adjusted to a variety of frequencies, provided that the information is uploaded to the collar itself, making it a very useful translation tool when socializing with other races. The technology behind these collars is so popular that this race has become the single manufacturer of the Universal Translator System (UTS) used by nearly every space race we have on record.

As of this publication of this record, the UTS created by this race can translate nearly 3 billion different languages spoken in the universe. Surprisingly, Klingon is not one of them, as this race has deemed it a fictional language not worth translating.

~Zeek Slider