
Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 4
Social Ability: 12
Information: It’s grumpy appearance is part of its unfortunate anatomical design. Short and stout but surprisingly very quick and agile. They are easy to please but have a difficult time accepting gratitude from other creatures for any reason. This is very apparent when they aid another creature. Their default reaction is to ignore it. The more intense the appreciation of their generosity and aid, the harder it is for them to ignore. When this occurs, they become visibly uncomfortable.

As a culture, this race likes to keep to themselves. They will interact with others and have an adaptable social skill, but do not go beyond platonic relationships even within their own race. Reproduction is done asexually, so finding a mate is not a problem. Parenting is a challenge. Most members of this culture become parents towards the end of their life and often is the last thing they do before they die.

They are an industrious race, as well. Their home world features several factories and commercial areas built to manufacture and sell processed materials to other planets for their own industry needs. They do not produce a product themselves but act as refiners. This helps keep their economy stable due to the ratio in which they export and import goods.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 9
Social Ability: 9
Information: Once believed to be a race of birds, it was later determined that they have more in common with reptiles as far as anatomical features go. As a culture, they are jovial and love a good laugh. Their racial in-joke seems to involve a very puzzling piece of their anatomy. However, no matter how offensive the joke is, they are capable of laughing it off and not become upset by it.

The mysterious wings that are the butt of their culture’s joke.
Their physical anatomy has a lot of in common with birds, particularly their hands and feet. They have a beak shaped mouth that and a small plumage that also suggests that they may have evolved from birds. However, the biggest mystery is their wings. They are shaped and in a similar density as those found on insects and appear to originate from a triangular bone just below the neck between the shoulder blades. Even this race is not sure how they came to have these strange wings, but they appreciate the fact they do have them, often with jokes about where they may have come from.

I have this odd feeling this race may be my new assistant.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 11
Information: An extremely tall race of multi-armed aliens. Their culture is very passive and does not believe in or practice violence. As a testament to this, all adults hold a public ceremony where they cut off the only natural weapon their race carried over from their pre-history days: a horn that grows just above their nose.

Their arms move in a very fluid manner and have been described as graceful. They always greet a new face with a smile and a familiar face with a hug. Their voice is said to be soft and extremely soothing. They do not fancy themselves as great singers, but their songs have a lullaby-like quality to them.

Their culture excels in textile production and have been known to produce fabrics of great quality. The only material that alludes their skill to this day is silk.

~Zeek Slider

No Updates for Two Weeks

My new assistant sent me an e-mail with his profile. The problem is, he’s a bit of a practical joker and sent me two other profiles of two other alien races that work where I work. Something about how I’ll be meeting them anyway, so I should be familiar with their cultural quirks.

The e-mail also said that this would be the last set I would get for the next two weeks. During this time I’ll be undergoing orientation for my new position, with new rules and responsibilities given to me that I’ll be expected to uphold. I’ll also be given an explanation into the rating systems we use at this time. Apparently, we have at least three different ways to rate things and a handful more on how we classify alien technology.

I might as well get these three profiles out of the way so I can spend Labor Day sleeping in. Orientation starts Tuesday.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 10
Information: The satellite image of this creature may make it seem small, but it is estimated that the average height is equal to that of some of the tallest man-made structures on Earth! Claimed as living proof of how live would have evolved around these alien equivalents of our own dinosaurs, they live on open plains where they can have space to grow. These plains are carefully picked out by individual family groups and will often include a very frequently visited body of water. It is around that body of water where they often eat the meat of prey. For their vegetable and fiber needs, the forested areas surrounding the plains often provide more than ample supply.

Their hunting tactics can best be described as happen-stance. Unlike most predators, it does not have the skill to aggressively hunt or attack other creatures due to its large size and slow movement. Instead, it will swing its horned tail as it walks by a group of creatures in the hope that it will eventually hit one. The casual swinging motion has enough force to knock out a baby of this creature! For anything smaller, they are killed on impact.

Family groups normally consist of only one child every twenty years. Newborns are roughly the size of a full grown African bull elephant. Their low reproduction rate is due to the fact that they have no natural predators.

During mating seasons, calls are made as the sun sets. These calls echo throughout the plains for miles at a time and only amplify the natural beauty of the area, according to the observer reporting. Males have a low baritone, while females have a mid-range tenor. The calls will last until the sun disappears over the horizon. At this time, they travel under moonlight to the source of the sound that they heard with amazing skill and accuracy give how much distance some have to travel.

~Zeek Slider

An Assistant & A New Job

I got a phone call on my cell just a while ago saying that I’ll be getting a new assistant who will be working in my old office while my replacement is off observing and recording alien life on another planet.

I’m told that he’s a bit unusual but helpful. I’m also told he’s from another planet and I’ll be getting the first draft of his race’s profile before the weekend is up. I’m also going to be e-mailed new information of some new job responsibilities given my new position. I’m told it’s not a promotion, as I’ll be doing what I’ve been doing for the last two months. However, the Board of Directors feel that while I’ve declassified several alien races so far, I should continue publishing information that they’ve collected. Including some of the information that I haven’t seen yet for one reason or another.

And here I was hoping to spend the Labor Day Weekend sleeping in.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 8
Information: A large and rather fat rodent that eats nine months out of the year. During the three that it doesn’t eat, it burns off the fat as food. This unusual cycle is controlled by the temperature of the planet, which is already cold as it is. It eats in order to maintain enough energy to keep its blood warm. It also eats because during those nine months is the only time flora is able to bloom and spawn due to the harsh environment. During the coldest months of the planet’s yearly cycle, it apparently shivers so intensely that it is undetectable to the naked eye. No plants are produced, so it has to rely on its body fat to survive.

Its been observed that several juveniles will die during this time due to not having enough fat. It’s believed that this leaves a psychological scar on any siblings, as surviving brothers and sisters will eat in greater quantity the following season.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 1
Social Ability: 6
Information: Just your average, non-descript pigeon.

~Zeek Slider

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Average, yes, but it's done in the same style as the Wallace and Gromit cartoons. By accident, I assure you.]


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 13
Social Ability: 5
Information: A monster of a sea creature if there ever was one. Similar in features to the creature from the Black Lagoon movies in some respect, this amphibious creature will only leave the water if the supply of fish is low. Once on land, it has 24 hours to hunt for food before its skin begins to dry out. If caught too far inland, there is a good chance it will die before it gets back to its watery home.

The ten tentacles used to smell, on both land and in water.
It has a series of tentacles along the upper portion of its snout that function as its nose. They generally are inactive and often just hang about off the creature’s gaping maw. When on land, they will undulate as it turns its head. It is believed that this movement is the creature using its sense of smell to sniff out prey. This action is exclusive to its land behavior and is not used under water. It is hypothesized that this creature cannot pick up scents unless they are moving pass these tentacles. In order to do this on land, especially when there is no breeze, it had to develop the ability to move them at will. It is also hypothesized that it doesn’t do this while under water due to the constant current movements bringing the scents from near by.

Its diet under water is dominantly fish and cephalopod. On land, its diet can include but is not limited to small costal mammals, birds, and the unfortunate teenage girl walking by a body of water where it just so happens to live.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 11
Information: A rather cute little forest bird that is easily startled by the slightest sound. Everything from a twig snapping to the explosion from a distant civilization’s construction project will cause it to panic. When in this state, it will blindly run and fly in every and any direction. This reaction is their form of defense against any predator that may try to snack on the creature.

Their naturally-formed crowns are the result of millions of generations of primping for mating season. During this time, females will decorate their crowns with berries while males will use twigs and branches. They will then comb the forest looking for a mate. If more than one potential mate find the same creature at the same time, they will line up for an evaluation based on the decorations placed in the crowns. Things like the freshness of material and specific aromas factor into who will be picked as a mate. Couples mate for life.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 10
Information: This race of aliens has a very strong economic culture that produces and trades a large variety of products among its local star system and other nearby galaxies. They are very affective businessmen and can close a deal with even the most stubborn of CEOs. They do, however, leave partners and members of newly-formed trading alliance rather nervous when they leave the boardroom. It isn’t explained why this is the case.

Their spiky collar is an evolutionary leftover from their pre-sentient history. It is believed that their eye was closer to the mouth but slowly evolved into a bulb-like stalk when their race began to walk upright. Their claw-like fingers are said to be evolved from the horns that used to be found at the end of their limbs during this time, which would explain their cold and rather uncomfortable handshake.

As mysterious and creepy as this race is, they are a gentle race as a whole. Their only goal is to grow their economic empire in a way where everyone can benefit from their trading route. While profit is important, product variety seems to be their emphasis.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 12
Social Ability: 8
Information: A small-but-vicious breed of alien Chihuahua. They are about as mean as they are rabid and should be avoided. These aren’t the cute guys that want to go to Taco Bell or sing hip-hop songs for a Disney movie. I mean, this creature is standing upright! And it has evolved claws!

Okay, so maybe I’m displaying my bias here, but this creature just looks evil. I mean, it’s like looking to the face of the spawn of the devil if the devil was a dog.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 3
Social Ability: 13
Information: This alien race is one of the few reported about that live underwater. They have developed lungs, but they are rather weak due to the rarity of their use. They only need them when visiting the surface for diplomatic reasons. The rest of the time, they breathe through their gills like any other fish.

Their culture is best described as very relaxed. They enjoy very simple pleasures and are very difficult to insult. In fact, they love to laugh at themselves and their flaws. If one is able to befriend a member of this race, they will find a friend for life that is anything but boring.

Their only known pet peeve is having their home polluted. As mentioned earlier, they visit the surface to address this issue on a regular basis. While there is a breed of fish that will consume the pollution, this race believes that reliance on this creature is not enough. After all, this race has yet to cause any environmental harm to the race that lives on their home world’s surface.

~Zeek Slider

Database Access

It was decided that I’ll be given access to the off-site database again, but for reasons they will not tell me, I will only have access to certain information. They’ve modified my Spore Tracker a little bit to show me what files I have access to in the database. There’s an IP tracker deeply coded into it now to ensure that only I have access to those files until another line of code sees I’ve published something about the creature here on the blog.

My tech friend who e-mailed me this recommends that I set my blog as my homepage so that I’ll know what I need to look at. There won’t be anyone e-mailing me for at least a month while they get everyone prepared for the project launch. Sounds like an exciting time.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 10
Information: This alien race of vultures is said to be extremely anti-social. It gets a moderate social rating due to their social behavior within their own race. It is unclear as to why they distrust anything that is not their own race, but no doubt the observer assigned to this creature wasn’t welcomed. In fact, the file states that they got even more suspicious of him. He even tried to give them gifts as a sign of friendship. While they did accept the gift, they just grew even more suspicious of his behavior. As such, no real information was recorded.

~Zeek Slider


The e-mail said this is my last link I'll be given. They are starting the launch of the project soon, and as such, they will need to reassign people if I am to continue to publish files about our alien findings. Frankly, I think they should just give me my clearance back.



Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 3
Social Ability: 2
Information: I'm told this is what a creature looks like when it first leaves the ocean and becomes a land creature on most planets. I'm not sure I believe this claim in the e-mail or the file about this creature.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 11
Information: A forest creature that has a horn structures of a moose and a deer combined into one very beautiful display. It has a trunk nose similar to an elephants that, reportedly, produces an ultra-sonic frequency. This frequency is similar to that used in dog whistles. Its been observed that it only uses this ability when facing off with a predator. The sound is suppose to cause the predator to turn the other way out of the annoyance and painful sting of the frequency. If it doesn’t work the first time, it is adjusted over the course of the stand off until the predator begins to react to the sound.

If this creature is unable to find the correct frequency to repel the predator, it will use its large horns as a way to defend itself in battle. While not sharp enough to cause anything but a few deep wounds, the horns are large enough to pose a potential threat to their natural predators.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 4
Social Ability: 11
Information: This alien race of ducks seems to have an obsession with the size of one’s rear end. In their culture, the larger the butt, the more beautiful it and the person it belongs to is. Their race even holds a yearly beauty pageant where females compete to show off their assets (no pun intended). Typically, males do not have as large a rear as the females, but those males that do are equally seen as attractive by the female population.

It is believed that a big butt has an ancient meaning in the culture involving child birth. Supposedly, due to the extremely painful process of laying an egg two-feet in diameter, a large butt on a female will provide more cushion for the pushing (again, no pun intended). There is no record of why a large butt would be beneficial for a male.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 8
Information: Essentially it is just a rhinoceros with three horns. Three very large horns. An interesting bit of trivia is that it has been documented turning over tanks at a full charge even when it is not provoked by the military forces it just attacked. In the wild, predators foolish enough to attack this creature head on are often impaled by at lease one of the horns. In order to be rid of the impaled creature, all it has to do is shake its head violently to send the carcass flying into the distance where scavengers wait.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 8
Information: This three-eyed dragon had to evolve a protection for its lower jaw. Before this evolution, the lower jaw was the weak spot for this creature. All I prey target had to do was puncture it to render the jaw useless. It is due to the fact that this dragon used to have a similar jaw to our planet’s gator population in that it would only close shut as a reflex to pressure on its tongue. A couple of million years into its evolution and we have this creature. While the bone growth does the needed job, it has also given the dragon a horrible under bite. A few creatures figured out that this was more of a blessing rather than a curse due to the bone’s razor-sharp edge. It made cutting into prey that much easier!

The unusually low placement of the spiked tail is another evolutionary trait that helps when dealing with prey. By having it closer to the groin muscles, this creature is about to swing its weapon between its legs without worrying of accidentally hitting itself in the stomach or reproductive organs. The spiked tail rarely hits prey since it is designed as a surprised blockade. The aim of the weapon is to kick small chunks of dirt into any prey that will try to run through its legs to escape, causing it to run either back the way it came or to the sides where this creature can get to it slightly quicker than it would if it had to turn around.

It earns its omnivore diet due to the fact that young will eat only fruits and plant life until their teeth grow in five years after they are born. Offspring do not hunt for prey until they are fifteen years old when the bone chin has reached its ideal thickness. Until then, the parents bring the food it will eat back to their nest.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 12
Social Ability: 13
Information: An impish alien race that stands just under six feet tall and is extremely athletic. They are a highly active race, constantly playing in one form or another with each other. This results in their four arms being incredible agile in movement and their powerful running legs.

Among the sports they excel in include but are not limited to boxing, tennis, marathon racing, gymnastics, and football/soccer. They excel so well in these and many other sports that they have been barred from participating in these events during The Galactic Olympic Games by the IPOC (Interplanetary Olympics Committee) in the name of fairness. Political allies of this race continue to protest this claim on the grounds that it is discrimination. As of this file, their lobbying efforts have not done them any good.

That reminds me, wasn’t this year an Olympic year?

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 9
Social Ability: 9
Information: A four-armed bear with an herbivore diet. Its head is its smallest physical feature, which is believed to be more of a defensive evolution. Drawings and photographs of skulls show that there is only an eighth of an inch of bone protecting the brain. As thin as it is, the density of the bone is reported to be the same as any other bone in its body. Its largest feature by far is its outer paws, possibly second only to its feet.

It’s diet is primarily fruits and berries, but it has been known to nibble on a few tree nuts every now and again. If nothing is found in the area, it will use its smaller paws to dig up roots and vegetables to eat.

Unlike most bears, it is aqua phobic. During rain storms, it will seek an open cave in a mad panic to escape. Once under shelter, it will not leave until the rain stops.

It has been observed that this creature will attack without hesitation if awoken from sleep. Loud sounds that startle it from sleep often result in accidental fights in family groups. When provoked by another creature, it will use its large claws to insure a deep wound into the offender. If not treated, they will bleed to death.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 12
Information: An entrepreneuric alien race set out on a quest to please pet owners in the galaxy by genetically engineering a hybrid of the two most popular types of pets known to them: the cat and the dog.

While generally a success, the resulting splicing of DNA into this creature caused several mutations. The first and oddest one is a change in diet. While both species are predominately carnivorous, a herbivore diet was found to be preferred by this creature. Its forelegs developed a third joint just about the wrist. And strangest of all would be the giant skull that protects the brain that is only 1/3 the size of the brain cavity.

Its personality is advertised as an easy-to-care-for pet that will not only clean itself but will shower the owner with affection during rainy days. It likes to go on long walks and has been know to climb trees to chase birds. Reportedly, it can be trained to do tricks even when left alone to let it do its own thing. It can even use a litter box!

Wow! I want one! Where do I buy one of these guys?

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 8
Social Ability: 4
Information: This creature dates back to pre-historic times, which isn’t saying a lot in relationship to our planet since we don’t know what was pre-historic for the planet this creature is from. It is hypothesized that this large creature used to be a carnivorous fish similar in shape and features as one of our planet’s catfish. It had a strong will to no longer be content as a bottom-of-the-lake creature and moved to land. It was here that a stronger will made it the creature that is on top of the food chain.

Fierce and dominating the land near wide rivers, a surprising characteristic that is displayed only three months out of the year is its parental habits. It is very nurturing to its offspring and will not leave alone if it can help it.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 10
Social Ability: 10
Information: Either out of bad luck or because it is naturally clumsy, this nine-eyed race doesn’t do very well in situations where things can easily break. Their home world has no museums, galleries, glass, ceramic earth ware, or anything that could break simply by bumping into or dropping it.

When out of their element, they tend to be extremely accident prone. If it can break, they probably broke it already. Guilty parties will often stand perfectly still immediately after something breaks, mostly out of shock or surprise. If asked if they broke the object, they will childishly look down at the ground pouting. While they do understand English, they do not speak it. The only two words they do know are “I sorry.”

It’s advised that members of this race should be watched at all times if encountered.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 3
Social Ability: 6
Information: An aquatic fish that has the markings of an Earth bee. It can grow to be the size of a large trout and eats large deposits of algae and other freshwater plant life. Its omnivore status is given due to its occasional snacking on smaller fish and insects that hover near the surface of the water.

Why do I have this odd feeling this fish may be on the same planet as the Fishing Fly?

~Zeek Slider

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Inspired by but not a recreation of a Neopets creature of the same name. Just wanted to clear that up.]



Diet: Herbivre
Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 10
Information: A small ground bird that has a taste for vegetables and roots. It will use its claws as shovels to dig up its favorite naturally growing food which resembles a wild potato in some respects.

On its home planet, several tribes have started to learn how to farm. They are constantly bothered by these little birds, who will often jump over any barrier the farmers place and dig up their crops as soon as they are ready to harvest. Higher walls have been built, but each one has been easily cleared by this creature in a single jump.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 12
Information: A very hospitable race. It will take in all guests from all walks of life and try their best to make them comfortable while in their home or city. The file reports that encounter where a member of this race gave up the only bed it had in its home so the guest had a comfortable place to sleep for the night!

When encountering a new race, they are extremely cautionary. When they can determine that the race is not hostile, their hospitable nature will flood forward.

It only serves as ironic that they become extremely suspicious of anyone questioning their race or their hospitable nature.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 4
Social Ability: 10
Information: This alien race is obsessed with just about everything. The types of obsession is unique from individual to individual. Generally, they demand a high quality of product from what they obsess over. Many specialize in learning as much as possible about the history of their obsession. This quest for knowledge in the trivial has resulted in a sleep cycle that lasts only 4 hours.

Their population is maintained only by members of their race who are obsessed with sex.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 10
Social Ability: 8
Information: It is born with a naturally formed chastity belt over its reproductive genitalia. The belt is formed from a combination of thick bone and scales that are loosely connected to an exposed area of its pelvic bone. Each bone is attached to the other by a very dense mesh of tendons and muscle tissue. As the creature ages, this mesh starts to weaken. After approximately 30 years, the belt will fall off and allow the creature to reproduce with a member of the opposite gender.

A separate set of organs located on its rear are responsible for excreting waste. Chances are it evolved this out of necessity.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 14
Social Ability: 4
Information: A scavenger by nature, it has been documented to kill and consume its own kind over the ownership of a rotting corpse. It lives near the coast and commonly searches for beached fish or whales. When corpses cannot be found, it will resort to fishing by placing its long jaws in the water and then snapping them shut when it senses something swim between them.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 12
Social Ability: 12
Information: Myths about this creature suggest that it is the wisest non-sentient creature on its home planet. If asked a yes-or-no question, it will squirt ink from its forehead onto its brush-like tail and then write the answer on the ground. If asked anything other than a yes-or-no type question, it will squirt the ink into the inquirer’s face.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 10
Information: This small creature lives in the plains where there are few trees and a lot of space. Most of its natural predators use this area as a hunting ground. Most of its natural predators also cannot catch up with this creature if they are unable to kill it before it escapes in a burst of speed. Those that can kill it know that a lot of stealth is involved.

Exposed bone from the Amonti’s internal skeleton.
The solid structures that line its back and are found protruding from its shoulders are actually exposed areas of its internal skeletal structure. These areas contain excess bone tissue and do not house anything important like the spinal column or even bone marrow. However, the area where skin meets bone is the most tender area on this creature. If a predator is able to damage it, the creature will either bleed to death or suffer bacterial infection.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 8
Social Ability: 7
Information: This file is probably the oldest one we have in our database. It states that this creature was the first alien creature to make contact with humans during The Moon Landing. Their space exploration program is far more advance than our own, and it is assumed that their civilization may have more advance technology.

~Zeek Slider

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: My attempt at making the alien race from the Space Level prototype program that Maxis released in anticipation of Spore's final release.]



Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 9
Social Ability: 11
Information: Another giant mantis with small wings that no longer have a use. The file hypothesizes that it will lose its wings entirely within the next several million years of evolution. Its long legs also pose a mobility problem. It has to walk over and under itself in order to move forward. In other words, it must move a hind leg over a fore leg in order to take a step forward. This makes it very, very, very slow.

It will only attack creatures that are slower than itself, which are quite few in number. The bulk of its diet is made up of fruits, nuts, and tree needles.

~Zeek Slider

When Updates Will Occur

Our meeting this morning was brief. Only 45 minutes long. I’m not allowed to publish any information as to what may or may not have been discussed. The reason? I have been reassigned as this morning.

Due to the amount of content on this blog, the Board of Directors has decided to let me keep my access to the files in our database, as well as my current role of publishing them. However, from here on out, I will no longer have a direct access to the database as I have been these past several months since I set up the Work@Home network. Instead I will be e-mailed links to the database through an encrypted account. The contents of which are to be determine by my replacement who will be studying new alien life in the field in the coming weeks.

That said, updates to this blog will happen whenever I get an e-mail with these links to the database.

The good news is I still get to work at home. The other bad news? Let’s just say the phrase "pay cut" is involved.

~Zeek Slider

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: As you may or may not know, this fan site/blog was created in hindsight. The dates and times of the past entries are all false. They were based on the date and an approximate time in which it took me to construct the creature in the Creature Creator. As of this post, I’ve almost caught up with the entire library of creations I’ve made since June. (I have eight entries left! Woo-hoo!!) This task has taken me almost an entire week.

The truth of the matter is that, now that I’m all but caught up, creation profiles will be posted when I actually finish and upload the creation to Spore.com. Unfortunately, I do have a life which will cause these updates to happen rather sporadically. I recommend subscribing to the automated RSS feed if you want to keep up with updates.

Originally, I was going to use this blog to document my game experience when Spore actually releases. I have decided against doing this due to the amount of time it would require of me. Because this blog was made after the fact, I took this opportunity to construct this story involving the Gremkey and the resulting reassignment of my character. This is more of a plot device if anything to justify the fact that all I’ll be posting on this blog are profiles of creatures, and soon vehicles and buildings, that I’ll be creating for Spore.

I’m not sure if I should continue the plot that I’ve started, so I’ve placed a poll in the side bar. Please vote, as your opinion will help determine if I should continue this plot or not.

Finally, thank you for visiting this site! I hope you find the content on here enjoyable in one respect or another! While it was rather frustrating to construct all the entries, I had a lot of fun writing what I could. I hope you have as much enjoyment reading each of the profiles and descriptions of my Spore creations.]


Future of the Project

A meeting will be held tomorrow morning to determine what is going to happen to our project. Word of the Gremkey encounter apparently made its way to the members of the board who are funding us, and they've expressed extreme concern over the event.

I'm told that this could affect the website. Once I learn some new information, I will post it here.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 8
Information: This small creature is often found underneath larger creatures it is using as cover from predators or from the weather. In order to prevent it from being stepped on, its back is covered with sharp quills.

Its friendly by nature, but earning its trust has been observed to be a frustrating process for many tribal cultures that wish to domesticate it. Even in the wild, the alliances it makes all depend on a long and constant line of communication until it believes it can trust the other creature.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 14
Social Ability: 9
Information: They build their cities on the peaks of extremely high mountain ridges where the air is thin and wind currents are constantly flowing. They rarely leave these cities, which makes their culture rather mysterious.

Their wings sprout from their elbows instead of from their shoulders or back. While flying their arms will hang at a 90o angle in relationship to the wing. This is to help it carry loads while traveling by air. If it doesn’t need to carry anything, it will clasp its claws together at the chest in order to increase flying efficiency. Doing so often leads to a larger wing area for air to travel around and reduces drag.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 8
Social Ability: 15
Information: A very tall land bird that has an appetite for the eggs of other birds that make their nests in the trees. It uses its long neck to grab these eggs and carry them off to consume them. Strangely enough, it will not eat chicks who have hatched from their eggs.

Its unusually shaped beak is often used to splinter rotting wood for its dietary needs. Stool samples from this creature suggest that the wood it eats acts as a fiber supplement for its egg-heavy diet.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 8
Social Ability: 17
Information: Well, here’s an interesting bedtime story for you!

According to scrolls that have been translated about this creature, this is what the great sphinx of ancient Egypt will turn into if you ask it too many questions it cannot answer. By modern terms, the creature has gone insane trying to figure out the answers of riddles like "What’s green, hangs on a wall, and whistles?" and "If you’ve got it, you can’t share it; but if you don’t have it, you want it to be shared. What is it?" The sphinx will stop eating and drinking and will eventually wither away into this creature as it obsessively tries to figure out what the answers are.

Those unfortunate enough to stumble upon one deep in the heart of mythical Egypt will often be asked these riddles. Any answer given out of fear will be met with even more questions asking why that is the right answer. However, in its insane state, it has lost its ability to think logically. Even if the right answer to the riddle is presented, it will question it and begin to rant. This rant is said to drive anyone who listens to it equally insane. If one is able to avoid listening to these rants, the creature will fly away to ponder other potential answers to the riddles it cannot answer.

~Zeek Slider


By the way, the answer to the riddles above are "a herring" and "a secret."


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 5
Social Ability: 10
Information: Made famous on our planet as those little green men that would invade Earth and enslave humanity, the real life race is nothing more than an intergalactic food critic. Reportedly, its pallet is extremely sensitive to any thing that touches it. They are able to consume most any food produce and then tell the cook that made it exactly what was in the dish with surprising accuracy.

They are extremely hard to please. Chefs that are praised by this race are few and far between, but maintain a level of culinary excellence that keeps this race coming back time and time again. Their recommendations have been known make or break businesses and careers.

Unfortunately, most upscale restaurants will not let them into their establishment. The race secretes a smile that has been known to leave stains on fancy silk fabrics and velvet upholstery.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 12
Social Ability: 7
Information: A large, slow-moving mammal with equally large claws. It is often seen lumbering around forests or digging the ground near rotted-out trees for grub worms to eat. It is generally a very peaceful creature with no known natural predators. However, due to their size and natural habitat, their numbers are rather low.

Mating season is particularly difficult on this creature. Due to its slow movement, mates must be within a day’s walk away in order to secure a successful continuation of this species. To make the situation even more difficult, if the female does produce an offspring, she must be careful not to crush it under its own weight. If the young are able to make it to their first birthday, the mating season is considered a success.

The duel mouths of the Pherette.
The file documents several occasions where this creature has been seen eating meat outside of its den. It does this as an example to any that would try to attack it while it is sleeping. It also collects and piles the bones of the creatures it has consumed on either side of the entrance to its den, possibly as war trophies or as a warning. This kind of behavior is odd for an otherwise gentle creature. It’s hypothesized that the meat it consumes is a substitute for a lack of grub worms or edible plant life within the small area surrounding its home.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 8
Social Ability: 6
Information: It is believed that this creature could be related to our planet’s beaver due to its habit of building wood dams and lodges by cutting down trees. It cuts trees down by using a saw feature found at the end of its tail. The saw has no muscle and is made out of sharpen bone. In order to move the saw, it will whip its tail against the trunk in order to get it spinning. Once it has enough momentum, it then slowly advances it into the trunk to cut the tree. Performing this requires precision and careful attention to the speed of the spinning blade. If the creature is reckless, the bone will get stuck in the trunk of the tree and it will have to start all over again. The worse case scenario is that the blades break, which would leave the creature incapable of cutting any trees down for the next three years as the bones grow back.

Once a tree has fallen, it will consume the bark and any plant life growing on the tree before cutting it into smaller logs and rolling it back to its home.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 14
Information: This race of mean-looking creatures has a naturally-growing armor on its hands, knees, and back. It also has an unusually dense muscle mass for its size, which allows it to not only endure more physical damage than other creatures it size but deliver very powerful attacks in hand-to-hand combat.

A naturally-formed cape found exclusively on males.
The entire display is just for show. The true nature of this muscular monster is that it is really kind. While slightly slow in the area of logical thinking, it is smart enough to know when something poses a threat and when something just looks threatening but isn’t. Males of this race are not afraid to show their emotions in public, though several males in high military power will often try to hide any and all emotions out of fear that it could be seen as a sign of weakness.

During times of peace, this race will practice regular exercise routines as well as concoct new health food recipes to ensure a healthy muscle built. While they are not obsessive about being physically fit, they will take care of their health in general.

Females of this race do not have the naturally-formed cape the males do, but they are just as physically fit, just as powerful, and just as emotional. It is not uncommon for this race to appoint a female in a high military position if she has proven herself in battle. During times of peace, mothers will often train their children in basic military combat.

It is noted that if you anger one, you anger the whole race and will feel the full force of their collective aggression. If you befriend them and are able to maintain a positive alliance, their military power is at your disposal with just cause.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 4
Social Ability: 11
Information: A land bird with feet that look like it is wearing boots. It evolved this feature to hide its numbers when traveling. Large flocks will walk in a single-file line making sure to step in the exact same spot as the member in front of them. Mothers will carry their chicks on their back due to the fact that their feet are still too small to fit in the prints made in the dirt. Upon reaching their home nest, the large footprints can be found overlapping each as members split apart from the line.

~Zeek Slider


I don't know much Spanish, but what little I know makes me believe the name of this creature translates into "bird shoe."


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 2
Social Ability: 5
Information: On our planet, this creature would be considered the beginning stages of a frog’s life cycle. On its home world, this is what the adults look like when they are fully grown.

Besides this very important key difference, it’s just a frog.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 4
Social Ability: 4
Information: A three-eyed stork that is said to be able to see into the future. A myth attached to the file states that this creature’s lazy stare can only see into a person’s future if it is directly staring at you. You cannot force it to stare at yourself or any other person. It’s believed that doing so will insure an ill fate. If one is spotted in the area, you must wait for its lazy stare to fall on you. At this point, you will need to wait 10 minutes while the creature goes into a trance. The fate of your future is dependent on the first reaction it gives when it comes out of this trance.

Some of these signs are pretty straight forward. If it laughs, something good will happen in your future. If it becomes frighten, something bad will happen. If it sneezes, you’ll become sick. The strangest sign is if it flies away. That reaction is read as a future that is out of control with no way of determining which direction your life is destine to go. Those who receive this sign often end up confused as to their lot in life and try to seek the creature out again for a second reading only to die trying to find it.

The funniest sign in this myth? If it falls asleep after staring at you for 10 minutes, it means nothing eventful will happen to you in the future.

~Zeek Slider