
Vehicle Type: Sea
Class: R
Armor: 33%
Threat Level: 45%
Speed: 22%
Information: According to the Scrolls of the Sea, this ship moves with the tides of an aquatic planet where civilization has two choices. Either live at the mercy of the sea or live with the sea. The former of the two involves building ports and island barges that ultimately are destroyed by tidal waves and large sea creatures. The latter is a more peaceful approach involving staying along the limited shoreline and utilizing the offerings of the sea such as fish and the various corpses of marine life that wash ashore. Those that follow the second method are rewarded by the visit from the Oversear.

This barge is said to dock only in areas where the citizens have found a perfect balance living with nature. It rewards their hard work and effort with unimaginable treasures. The clam that rides this barge, though clearly not sentient, is said to be the keeper and judge. If upon docking it opens its shell, the citizens of the township are deemed worthy of its treasures for the limited time it is with them.

The Oversear is said to dock for only half an hour once every month. During the rest of the month, it travels the vast global seas through areas said too dangerous for any normal ship to follow.

~Zeek Slider


Vehicle Type: Land
Class: R
Armor: 18%
Threat Level: 64%
Speed: 18%
Information: I’m not sure what to make of this vehicle. The records are still being translated as we speak due to the fact that we lost one of our alien translators in the last wave of natural disasters that hit our area. It was a very heavy loss to us here at the company. But given the wave of new machinery and vehicles we’ve been getting beamed to us for our records from our galactic allies, I can only assume this is used in some kind of sonic warfare or offensive. It definitely can’t be used for entertainment purposes.

~Zeek Slider


Vehicle Type: Land
Class: R
Armor: 37%
Threat Level: 38%
Speed: 25%
Information: A small, unmanned tank used to project sonic waves at a target to shatter it. It is often used in construction, though recent thefts of this vehicle have resulted in several populated neighborhoods being reduced to rubble due to the ill wishes of some juvenile with a want to broadcast their music at insane volumes. As a result, construction of this vehicle has been banned on the planet on which this can be found.

However, in recent history, a group of inventive individuals have been able to reverse engineer this machine into a large, industrial vacuum for construction sites. Since then, on-the-job accidents have increased by 15%.

~Zeek Slider


Structure Type: Government
Information: It’s actually the top of an underground government base. This small building is used to communicate with the outside world. The actual base itself is several million miles underground and, naturally, kept secret.

We suspect military takeover, so this building is being watched very closely by our operations.

~Zeek Slider


Structure Type: Government
Information: An organic building that is comprised of some rather odd looking colors. The entire planet is, in fact, full of oddly-colored flora so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that this building would be just as colorful. As government building goes, this building is used to hold large political parties. More often than not, this building is utilized after a major election.

~Zeek Slider



Vehicle Type: Space
Information: A single-passenger ship designed for trading, communicating, and war. Essentially, it is a Jack-of-All-Trades ship for the lone galactic wolf. Its iconic large speaker, while comical in appearance to most empires, does function quite well in broadcasting any kind of message to the masses. It’s also connected to a digital sound system, making it a great tool for broadcasting music and other sounds.

Due to its large size, playing any form of audio above four (4) Earth decibels is considered an act of war. Tests have shown that a 4.1 Earth decibel sound, no matter how short, is enough to cause even laser-proof glass to shatter. At 7 Earth decibels, the majority of organic life will explode due to extreme internal vibration (after going deaf, that is).

~Zeek Slider


Vehicle Type: Space
Information: The Extraterrestrial Space Ship Express (ESSE) is a two-passenger cruiser designed to get its occupants from here to there in less time than conventional and larger passenger ships. Completely automatic, it comes equip with a galactic positioning system that updates by the nanosecond enabling it to alter a flight path should war break out in a quadrant.

This ship was designed for diplomats and traders that make frequent inter-galactic trips, so don’t expect much luggage space in the cargo hold.

~Zeek Slider



Structure Type: Industrial
Information: Despite its thorny design and rather menacing appearance, this factory is responsible for producing Bliss, a brand of soda pop that is said to cause extreme happiness to anyone to drinks it. However, its effect only works on one space race. Most of the other races are not affected by the chemical combination. In fact, it has an adverse affect on a neighboring race that causes them to experience extreme lust rage resulting in a high raise in aggressive rape and murder.

~Zeek Slider



Structure Type: Government
Information: This building is technically a light house, which means it is partly a Residential class building. However, it is often used as the City Hall for most costal cities. As you can tell from the design, the bulk of the building is on the lower floor while the actual light house part is housed in the central tower. The building is also not very tall, measuring in at just four stories. In order to create a decent beacon of light that can be seen, this building is often built on high, clear peaks along cliffs and hills.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Low
Information: This creature is found on the plains of the surviving half of the Quir’s home planet. While its diet is mostly made up of grass and fruit, it can and does eat the meat of any creature that threatens its herd. The alpha male is usually the one that makes the kill with its large horns. Its tusks are incapable of doing any real physical damage, though pressure from its biting jaws has been known to cause hairline fractures in some cases. Young tend to stay with their family even into their adult cycle. Offspring rarely leave the herd unless they are forced out by the alpha.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: Medium (Predator)
Social Ability: Low
Information: It lives in the jungles of the half of the Quir’s home planet that retained an atmosphere, but its no bigger than a domestic cat here on Earth. While it does display predatory behavior, it rarely hunts. Instead, it sets up traps consisting of objects that fall and surround its prey in an arena-like construction where it can get a jump on it at its leisure. It’s unusually parental behavior suggests that it isn’t very fond of children, as young are abandoned the moment they know how to use their claws.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Culture: Friendly, Military
Galactic Class: N/A
Information: This strange alien race was responsible for its own extinction. Upon reaching a civilized state of being, its peaceful nature was corrupted by its planet’s own Arms Race. The resulting conflict between nations started a global war where any nation that could not keep up was reduced to a pile of rubble. Records are unclear as to what happened in the final moments of this race’s history, but the only certain thing is that the planet was split in two. While one half of the planet was able to retain an atmosphere due to its abundance of plant life and water, the other half became another massive stellar asteroid the size of our Earth’s moon.

It is believed that no members of this race survived. However, outside of photographs and fossilized remains, two very unique but very similar creatures came out of this extinction that may carry on the DNA of this alien race.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: Medium
Information: The eyes of this creature are not physically connected to optic nerves of any kind. They are suspended in a fluid that functions are electrical receptors for the optic nerves located at the base of the bulbs. This gives the creature a very unique ability to rotate its eyes in any direction it needs to, either interdependent from the eye on the other side or in synchronization. The bone plates located above the bulbs are there to protect it from the suns harmful rays.

Its muscle density in its body is rather high in order to support its large head on such a small body.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: This slimy creature lives in large areas of muddy soil and high humidity where it feasts upon long grasses and roots. Its jaw can open a full 180o in order to consume large vegetables that grow just below the surface. Its legs are limber enough to give it an extra boost when running away from predators while strong enough to support its weight. But most of all, this creature lacks the sense of smell. For all it knows, the mud it is wallowing through could be its own waste.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: High
Information: This alien primate has the unique ability to blend its mating call with the rest of the ambient noises of the jungle it is found in. Its large ears contain a specialized organ that can pick out a specific frequency from each call to determine if it came from another member of this species or the one that it is trying to mimic. Observations of this ability show that it cannot reach the lower octaves of large creatures.

Another unique feature to this creature is its faun-like horns. Though they pose no threat if found on the wrong end of a head butt, they do serve a purpose in identifying family groups. Depending on bloodlines and which traits dominate over others upon breeding, the horns will change shape and even length between individual family groups.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: Once thought to be an herbivore, it is clear from its diet that it does have a taste for meat even if it is in the form of sea creatures. Its skull cap never fully formed bone mass but evolved a protective layer of fat that pulses during brain activity that would be considered extremely advance for this creature, such as logical problem solving and critical analysis of a situation. The claws on its feet help give it added traction in its natural environment of purple-colored swamp marshes. They act like hooks on Velcro by attaching themselves to tangled grasses and then breaking them in half when taking a step forward. The breaking of the grass actually fertilizes the marshes they live in, so the extinction of this creature would mean the extinction of the swamps it also lives in.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: This creature has eyes nearly everywhere except its head! It has three sets on its biceps, a pair on the forearms, a pair looking backwards on its shoulders, and a large central eye on its chest. Where the eyes should be on its head are replaced with giant bat-like ears. Sneaking up on this creature has been proven to be impossible due to its omni-directional vision. Much of its brain activity is hypothesized to be devoted to sight, which may explain why this bipedal creature has yet to evolve past a primate-like state of intelligence.

~Zeek Slider


Cuddle Bug

Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: A large, furry insect that is a very popular pet among races in its quadrant of space. Its body is mostly made out of fat, making it very soft and huggable. Hence the name. Its wall-eyed expressions has been known to be rather enjoyed by older women of some social groups, often being called cute even when it doesn’t mean to be. Owners are instructed never to feed it sugar or anything that has the same chemical make-up as sugar. The reasons have yet to be published, but one can only imagine what could happen.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: Medium
Information: The hinge to its jaw sits far behind its eye cavity, which suggests this creature has a small brain size and visual information tends to get to it late. It has four tubular ears that can pick up sound as compensation. The odd thing about it is the suction cup fingers and foot this creature has. Normally, creatures with these features would be found in moist areas, but this one prefers to live in areas of high altitude where moisture is hard to come by. It uses its six wings to glide on cold hair currents to get from one location to another. Landing is just a matter of making sure its suction cups attach to a rock-face surface. Its diet is made up of mountain grass, what few breed that grows at those heights.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: Medium
Information: A tall black bird that refuses to act like one. It barks instead of tweets. It chooses to run when it has shown evidence that it can fly. It only flies if something chases it off a cliff and it finds itself in a free fall. It will strip trees bare of both leaves and fruit leaving nothing behind. And despite its coloring, it likes to be seen.

It won its name partly for its behavioral quirks but also because of the Mohawk-style crest atop its head.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: Medium
Information: Another surprising creature! At first glance, it may look like six-legged cat with purple fur. The fur is actually a natural rubber. Further analysis of the creature shows evidence of some unusual healing. Instead of forming scabs, it forms fabric patches. Instead of scars, it forms something that resembles stitching. Though they pose no threat to any other creature, they are highly combative within their own species, mostly over family dominance.

Their natural habitat is that of brightly-colored marshlands. This probably explains the rubbery skin, but not their healing abnormalities.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: Low
Information: A darkly colored creature very similar to the Earth gator in its aggressive behavior. It’s a scavenger by nature. The fins that line its back are actually sensitive organs used to detect blood in the air from fresh kills. Upon finding a scent, they sluggishly make their way towards it to consume whatever may be left. In order to scare off their predators, they roar and bark with every step made.

The meat of this creature is poisonous. As a result, very few creatures actually hunt them for food. If they are hunted, it is because of their annoying noise.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: Medium (Predator)
Social Ability: Medium
Information: A rather large beastly creature that is directly responsible for the extinction of several creatures on its home planet. Most of its prey has been saved by galactic ecologists and placed in a wildlife reserve to repopulate. It’s rather unusual for a carnivore to deliberately destroy its food web, but clearly its appetite knows no boundaries.

Its anatomy is very similar to that of a T-Rex here on Earth, but with large downward-turned horns. Observations by the ecologists that saved its food web provide no clues as to what they may be used for. It is hypothesized that they could be family group indicators, as the horns size and curvature changes from generation to generation.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: A strange creature with an equally strange reason for extinction.

This creature will collect its waste product in the bulb above its head. It will then release another chemical once the bulb is full and burn its waste in a bright flash. As a result, it has no true waste product or anus. The large legs are used to support the main body while the smaller legs help it navigate hilly areas.

It was recently eradicated from a wildlife sanctuary due aesthetic dispositions of the empire that runs the sanctuary.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: Medium (Predator)
Social Ability: Low
Information: The story goes that this creature was created from a nightmare made real through machines like the Creature Tweaker.

It is a monstrous insect that will use its duel stingers to slash and hack its prey like a Samurai warrior. To consume it, the three pairs of jaws open and close in a sequential pattern in, essentially, turn flesh and bone into paste that is then slurps up with a small tentacle mouth. It’s exoskeleton is as hard as steel but is light as plastic.

It’s also huge! We are talking several stories tall.

~Zeek Slider



Vehicle Type: Space
Information: When the demands of inter-galactic trading becomes too much for normal ships to bare, this model is often called upon to help easy the problem. Its cargo hold is said to be several times larger than those found Shipping Class rockets while maintaining a sturdy structure that can withstand most impact from space debris. It also features a loading door large enough for most battle tanks to fit in for easy transportations of ground vehicles to new colonies.

It’s horribly slow, however. Delivers tend to take longer than projected due to the amount of fuel needed to get this large ship in orbit with a full cargo load.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: Medium
Information: This was the creature that we made that broke the machine. We took a very large creature and made it very small. We then changed its diet from carnivore to herbivore. We then changed it from having scales to having fur. And then changed it from dark colors to light ones. And just for fun, we gave it naturally forming crystals.

Apparently that’s what caused the machine to say “That’s it! I’ve had enough!” and blew up in our face shortly after creating a pair of these creatures. I hope we produced a pair that can reproduce, otherwise this may be the only time you will see this creature.



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Low
Information: I think this creature wins for having the largest body mass with the smallest skull size. I modeled it after the Earth giraffe but gave it a large fin behind its head that we genetically programmed to react with its various emotions. It was pretty cool seeing this creature come to life and seeing the fin stand fully erect in shock as it was trying to get used to its new surroundings.

I think it will like where we released it. Lots of open land to run around and fruit in high trees that no other herbivore can get to.



Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: Hey! We got it working again, and this time we REALLY pushed the Creature Tweaker to its limits. So much so that I think we broke it after making three radically different creatures.

The Empire that let us use their wildlife sanctuary as a testing ground said that they noticed they are in need of an Omnivore, so we scanned in one of the carnivore’s DNA and completely messed with it. You can’t even see any resemblance to the original species! It’s amazing!

They will be observing this creature in the wild for several months, mostly to see if it will survive having been radically genetically altered. It should be interesting, since I gave it two different types of eyes and a small mouth at the end of a long snout.




Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Culture: Aggressive, Economic
Galactic Class: Trader
Information: A trading race that is rather aggressive in their tactics. This race will not hesitate to resort to bribery, robbery, blackmail, and even, on rare occasion lying to secure a deal. Most members of this race try to be honest business men, but it is beyond their nature to feel compassion for any race that could be on the losing end of their economic transactions.

Supposedly, this race is so ruthless that even military cultures avoid their small-but-powerful empire. It is believed that their tactics could result in this race acquiring a large number of WMDs (if they haven’t already).

It’s very rare for this race to encounter another space race that refuses to do business with them. Most of their trading partners tend to swoon by their sales pitch and shifty language when negotiating contracts. Others are just afraid of this race given its rather monstrous appearance.

It should be pointed out that their main economic commodity can be best described as “human trafficking,” popularly known as prostitution on our planet. That's right, this race is a Galactic Pimp.

~Zeek Slider


Krest-etraw Blipu

Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: So the last creature we made was this beautiful bird. We both agreed that we didn’t like the coloring for something that looked so majestic in flight, so we fixed that with the Creature Tweaker. However, we also learned that this bird originally was an omnivore, which we thought was odd. We decided to change its diet into that of an herbivore, as well as take away a few of its claws.

These simple changes resulted in the crest on its head to become larger and more pronounced, which we liked. Unfortunately, it still retained its dull coloring of the tail feathers. It seems that some things we simply cannot repaint with this machine. But this creature looks beautiful now with its golden wings and large feathers.

Well, I had a lot of fun creating life, but after this creature, the machine broke down. I don’t know when the next time we’ll be able to pay with this again, but I’m told I’ll get a call once its fixed.



Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: Medium (Predator, Pack x4)
Social Ability: Medium
Information: There isn’t much you can do to improve on an already awesome looking creature like what this originally was. So what we did was just give it bigger claws and a meaner mouth. As simple as these changes were, we noticed yet another mutation! The forward limbs appear to be armor plated, and the inner toe on these limbs are gigantic! Another surprise is that this creature figured out pretty quickly that these mutations can be used to its hunting advantages.

We released about four of these into the wildlife sanctuary and noticed that they maintained the same pack behavior of the original creature. Only now they are more dangerous.


Snire Spakd

Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: When I saw the DNA we were using next with the Creature Tweaker, the first thing I said was “Let it have sight!” It was originally blind, so we gave it eyes. However, the DNA in this creature was strong enough to almost override the machine, so we didn’t end up with the eyes we wanted to put on it. We also decided to give it longer claws to help it dig better, but after giving it all these features to make it better, we decided to give it a pair of giant tusks to make eating difficult.

Turns out when it was constructed that eating with those tusks is not the problem. Walking is! The larger claws makes it walking gait rather awkward, and for a while it kept tripping over itself in a rather humorous way. Well, at least we got a laugh out of it.



Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: Believe it or not, the original DNA we used with this creature came from my friends pet. It was a docile herbivore that we turned into a vicious carnivore by simply replacing its mouth. We made the aesthetic choice of getting rid of its tail and giving it more threatening facial features. We kept the shell, you know, just because.

This one we also experimented some more with the skin feature of the Creature Tweaker. It originally had short, soft hair that we quickly changed into scales. We even darkened the coloring a little bit to give it a more evil look, but the yellow spots we couldn’t figure out how to get rid of.

This creature ended up a whole lot bigger than what we expected it to be when it came out the other end of the machine. Thankfully, we constructed all the creatures we made on a wildlife sanctuary planet, so once it came out, it didn’t bother us. I think it was kind of hungry, because as soon as it saw another creature, it chased after it.



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: Continuing our little experiment at playing Spode/God/Allah/The Flying Spaghetti Monster, my friend and I decided to forcefully evolve a cellular creature into one capable of living on land. The result was this creature.

We removed its proboscis and gave it a more appropriate-shaped mouth. We kept its large eyes, but added eye lids to give it the ability to emote. Its already had a spiky collar to protect itself, but we decided to sharpen one of the horns just out of randomness. We also gave it legs for faster mobility and then gave it a tail with a spike at the end. We got really spike crazy with this creature, as you can see by the addition of the insect arms we threw on there.

Upon its construction, we noticed that it has a very aggressive nature. We aren’t sure how this happened, but it may have something to do with all the weaponry we gave it. It is heavily armed for an herbivore.



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: Hey guys! I hope you are still reading this site, seeing how I just caught the post about you not posting because of getting cut due to money problems. I can’t relate, but I bet it is bad.

Anyway, I just wanted to show you something I made! That’s right, I made something that now populates the galaxy! See, one of my buddies finally got a hold of the Creature Tweaker, which is a genetic altering machine that produces various test-tube creatures based on the DNA of existing creatures. And we kind of went crazy with it with the creatures on his home planet. I’m sure you have the original creatures documented somewhere in those files.

So this creature was originally similar to the Earth horse, but I gave it horns, and extra pair of eyes, and shortened it tail. I also took some liberties in how it was colored by making it look like the Earth zebra, only with white stripes over a brown base. The strange thing is that there was a mutation that we didn’t expect when this creature finally took form. As you can see, the hooves have a split in them. We don’t know what happened, but this was our first time messing around with the machine.



The Mirra Estate

Structure Type: Residential
Structure Type: Government
Structure Type: Commercial
Information: The Mirra Estate is composed of several buildings that have won themselves the most questionable labeling I have come across. While some of the reason behind their classifications makes sense, others do not. How these buildings got to be classified as such is still beyond logic.

The buildings are made out of the same three materials: folded steel, gold leaf, and sandstone. The sandstone comes in two different forms: the more structurally-sound building mixture and the more decorative boulder variety. In all three building types, the opulent feeling of the design is the focal point. In other words, it is clear the Mirras wanted others to know just how rich they really are.

The first building displayed in the table is that of the Mirra Manor. This is the family’s main home, housing several dozen bedrooms for guests and servants alike. A small courtyard can be found just beyond the entrance archway, but the real draw to this building is the trapezoidal second floor of the main building. Supposedly, the interior of this floor houses the Mirra family treasure: a Pink Spice Crystal. The crystal is said to have been found by the family ancestor while working in the Spice Mines of a nearby colony. According to legend, he kept the crystal secret until he could safely get it appraised. Upon finding how much it was worth, it was decided that the treasure be cashed in. The original crystal was then carefully cut down, but a large portion of it still remains in the Mirra’s possession.

This fact alone has attracted several greedy individuals, and there have been many attempts to steal the Pink Spice Crystal. This resulted in the family’s investment into the second and third buildings displayed in the table.

Just outside the estate wall facing all major and minor compass points is a security checkpoint that houses the Mirra’s personal army. It is here that anyone wishing to enter the estate must undergo a very lengthy process in order to be granted access into the estate. Fast food deliverers don’t even have access to the building without clearance! It is unknown what happens to those that fail to pass the process.

Lining the roads leading to the mansion are several guard towers. Here, skilled snipers and scouts keep watch over the estate grounds day and night. The towers are strategically placed to allow maximum visibility. Many of the towers function as second eyes for any potential blind spots that could be exploited by another tower. The odd thing about this building is that there are several casinos that have been modeled after this landmark. This doesn’t really work to the Mirra’s advantage any, but it does supply a rather annoy misdirection as to the building’s true function.

Though attempts to steal the Pink Spice Crystal have been reduced to one every five years or so, there are whispers going around those that live in the shadow of the estate that the crystal may not even exist any more. The popular belief is that the family is now living off of an ever-growing nest egg investment from the casinos that dot the city. If this is true or not has yet to be determine due to the mysterious disappearance of the Mirra family from the public eye. Their security detail assures the public, however, that they are safe within their majestic manor.

~Zeek Slider