
Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Culture: Aggressive, Economic
Galactic Class: Trader
Information: A trading race that is rather aggressive in their tactics. This race will not hesitate to resort to bribery, robbery, blackmail, and even, on rare occasion lying to secure a deal. Most members of this race try to be honest business men, but it is beyond their nature to feel compassion for any race that could be on the losing end of their economic transactions.

Supposedly, this race is so ruthless that even military cultures avoid their small-but-powerful empire. It is believed that their tactics could result in this race acquiring a large number of WMDs (if they haven’t already).

It’s very rare for this race to encounter another space race that refuses to do business with them. Most of their trading partners tend to swoon by their sales pitch and shifty language when negotiating contracts. Others are just afraid of this race given its rather monstrous appearance.

It should be pointed out that their main economic commodity can be best described as “human trafficking,” popularly known as prostitution on our planet. That's right, this race is a Galactic Pimp.

~Zeek Slider