
Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: Medium
Culture: Friendly, Religious
Galactic Class: Zealot/Artist
Information: Though classified as a Zealot, this race is passionate about the arts and creativity in general. So much so that they have turned it into a religion. In some respect, their religious views resemble that of Creationism and Intelligent Design. Thankfully, they are not like most galactic Zealots who push their religious ideals on other races. Due to their artistic slant, they are able to live peacefully with other races that do not believe in the same creed they do.

Culturally, the race seeks knowledge and creativity above all other things. Their leaders tend to be elders who have spent a lifetime reading and writing books of both fantasy and fact. Assistants and apprentices often become very familiar with their master’s work and will continue the research upon their master’s passing. The only spot in their society that comes close to rivaling these seekers of knowledge are the inventors.

After forming a guild of active members, the inventors of this race are responsible for nearly all of the technological advancements in their history. Though their technology is still rather analog compared to other races, it still serves their main use and function of design. Members of the guild come from all creative backgrounds from fashion to fine arts, but they all must display a passion for creating new and innovative things as part of their initiation and membership requirements.

Strangely enough, this race has no economic structure. While they actively trade with other empires for capital, they appear to use any form of monetary gain as raw material. Physical paper-based cash notes are recycled and turned into canvases, metal coins are melted down and remolded into jewelry or tools, and precious stones are often set into the decorative mosaics that cover the heart of their larger cities. This practice as resulted in several attempts at piracy and thief from outside forces.

~Zeek Slider