Kiwi Bot

Vehicle Type: Land
Class: M
Armor: 17%
Threat Level: 42%
Speed: 41%
Information: We’ve digitized and uploaded all of our recent findings to our database, and despite having a short break from all the excitement, I have to get back to work and publish these findings. Naturally, some information will be omitted, but the wealth of new creatures and races we’ve discovered from our mission is just mind-blowing!

However, all that new information will have to wait until after we get done playing catch up. I’m picking up where Ross left off, but chances are Ross will come in and report on something ever now and then.

This walking vehicle is known as the Kiwi Bot. It was designed by a deviant group of artisans that ultimately resorted to piracy to get what they wanted creatively. A single unit won’t put up much of a fight, but their easy construction insures that scenario won’t happen.

A common battle tactic is to use the Kiwi Bot as snipers, especially when the terrain allows for such an opportunity. The fact that they can be modified to hold a cloaking device makes this strategy even more appealing.

~Zeek Slider