
Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 8
Social Ability: 8

Information: It’s a giant mantis with a few key differences. The first is that the claws have evolved to become more dangerous than their smaller cousins on our planets. They’ve also evolved an attack that involves spitting from the rear in order to distract or stun their prey. The biggest difference is that they no longer kill their mate, possibly due to their new-found hunting behavior.

Other than that, it’s just another giant bug that should be avoided.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 10
Social Ability: 6

Information: A fat three-eyed dragon whose tiny wings can no longer carry its weight. Observed to have an eating habit that borders on gluttonous, but will stop once all the meat in front of it has been consumed. It is a slow moving beast after these meals and easy to avoid. It only poses a threat if it is hungry.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 10

Information: The stripes on this creature are said to give it two unique advantages. The first is offensive, giving the illusion that its neck is able to expand when it is charging with its horn. This puts the opponent at a disadvantage due to the skewing of its depth perception. The second is defensive, confusing predators as to the true number of a pack of these creatures while they are running. This defensive tactic is similar to how the stripes on a zebra work.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 10
Social Ability: 4

Information: A extremely scary-looking scavenger! Its behaviors and mannerisms are similar to an Earth buzzards in that it will lurk around an area where it smells death or spots something that may be on its last legs. It will circle the skies with others while waiting if there is no tree to perch on to wait.

While it may look like a living skeleton, an anatomical scan in the file shows that all of its internal organs are, somehow, compressed into its thin spine!

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 10
Social Ability: 6

Information: This creature has ten small wings, but is incapable of flight. It uses these wings for cool itself down during hot days by beating them feverously. The beating wings act like fans moving air across its body and generates a small breeze.

The wings also give this creature another benefit. When approached from the front, the wings give the appearance that the head is larger than it actually is. This is meant as a weapon of intimidation in order to drive away competing predators.

~Zeek Slider

Bolter Bird

Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 4
Social Ability: 11

Information: This creature got its name for its near-supernatural speed. Observations show that this creature can reach speeds in excess of 300mph on land or air! The distance it can cover in one day is equivalent to that of the former Soviet Union from its farthest Eastern and Western points.

The feather Mohawk top its head is actually a fifth wing that it uses as a forward rudder to help it turn at incredibly sharp angles at its breakneck speed. It has been documented that this creature is capable of turning a perfect 90o without losing any momentum!

And the really scary part is that this creature is able to do that from birth!

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 5
Social Ability: 8

Information: This creature has a strong drive to be as social as possible. Millions of years maintaining this want has allowed it to evolve a beautiful display in an attempt to overshadow its ugly facial features. However, due to its carnivorous diet, no other creature outside of its own kind will befriend it.

It should be noted that its diet consists of mostly slugs, fish, and large insects. The creatures it tries to make friends with are birds and small animals, mostly rodents.

~Zeek Slider


This was a file from the other night that I'm trying to publish but fell asleep reading it.



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 3
Social Ability: 9

Information: The center of balance for this creature is greatly dependent on its outstretched wings. It cannot lower or fold them in without falling over. Should one of the wings become injured and/or incapable of extending outward, this creature will be unable to stand up. This balance issue is not a problem while flying.

Socially, this creature is a very close group, providing that each member can stand on their own. If a member is unable to stand, the collective whole will consider that individual dead and abandon it.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 9

Information: A giant caterpillar that has evolved mammal-like characteristics. The file obsessively tries to figure out why it is so brightly colored rather than concentrating on reporting behavioral traits.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 10

Information: Every morning, the large horns of this creature collect dew water. Depending on both gender and status of the creature, it will use this water in several different ways.

Males will carefully carry the water and then proceed to walk backwards. While facing backwards, it will distribute the water in an effort to wash away its scent to prevent predators from tracking it. During mating season, it will include its nest in this washing if it has already claimed a female in order to wash her scent and prevent competing males from finding her.

Females generally don’t use this water until after they have given birth. At which time, they use the collected water to wake up their young who have a habit of sleeping in during the early morning. Females also use this water to feed their young. They do this by standing under trees that are losing their leaves. Once caught in their dish of water, the leaves are ferried over for the offspring to consume with the water. It is hypothesized that this behavior is the mother helping introduce a solid food diet to her young.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 12
Social Ability: 10

Information: A real life gargoyle with a single eye. It has a dental structure that is capable of rendering any piece of flesh able to escape its power bite unrecognizable. It is nocturnal and does the bulk of its hunting around midnight. The only time it stays awake during the day is during the first few months after newborns are hatched.

~Zeek Slider

The BioBot Project

Diet: ??
Danger Level: 5 - 9
Social Ability: 7 - 17

Information: I was handed these files during my lunch break by our robotics department. This project, long since put on the shelves, has been revived due to the advance AI becoming sentient. In one sense or another, all four model types are now to be treated as life forms. Which is, apparently, where I come in.

The project itself was designed to provide a way to observe creatures without the loss of human life due to harsh environmental conditions or extremely dangerous predatory creatures, the latter being more common. Each model was equip with an AI (Artificial Intelligence) that could reprogram itself to suit any given situation. There were three different forms of this AI: passive, curious, and social. Models with a passive AI were programmed to strictly observe creatures from a safe distance. Models with a curious AI were given directives that would involve some level of interaction with a creature if it was determine to not pose a threat. Models with a social AI, essentially, were designed to have both programs installed as well as the addition to switch between the two if necessary.

The BioBot prototype ran using organic fuel generated through several different sources. The first was through solar panels located on the top of the model that would fold out and charge the battery. The second was internal where water would be both produced and destroyed through electrolysis in order to produce a back-up charge for dark or cloudy days. A design flaw in the structure of the robot made it extremely fragile. Should anything drop upon it or if it was to fall from any height, the model would shatter into a million pieces.

The second generation of this project brought two very different models. The first and most successful was the SGEI (Search and Gather Environmental Information) model. It was equipped with tools and grasping arms used to analyze matter and creatures it came across, both living and dead. A mouth-like attachment would occasionally lower in order to collect organic samples to be analyzed by the on-board computer. Information on these samples would then be broadcasted to a satellite that would relay the data to a server here at work. The sample would then be broken down and reused as fuel for the BioBot if possible. It was an ingenious design and praised by the scientists who were fortunate enough to see working models, but funding for this model ultimately killed any future production.

The second model to come out of the second generation of this project was the DHS (Drilling Herbivore Spider) model. It was an outside contract job in order to help generate revenue for the project, which at the time lost government funding due to being seen as a non-lucrative project. This model was designed to simultaneously observe alien wild life while searching for fossil fuels. The project was ultimately protested against by a few of the designers due to the hypocritical programming in how it was to go about finding organic fuel to continue functioning.

The third generation of this project saw a partnership with NanoTechTM. No longer restricted to hard-joint legs, the team of designers at that time constructed the Mega BioBot 2800. It was intended to be a consolidation of all the previous models, both in their strengths and flaws. Two models were built with a third half-way through production before the model was considered too expensive to be practical.

I had to as my supervisor for permission to publish the following information, as it is extremely controversial. Forgive me if it offends you. My only request is that you do not blame me for this information.

These four models were sent to space in an unmanned shuttle carrying several tons of hazardous waste and obsolete government technology. In other words, the garbage of our planet that we can’t get rid of for fear of what they may end up doing to our environment. The shuttle was shot into deep space at random with the hope that it would collide with a star or some other celestial body and be destroyed.

We’ve recently received signals from each of these model of BioBots, which suggests the idea the rocket they were on didn’t exactly fulfill its original intent.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 8
Social Ability: 13

Information: The myth found in this creature’s file attempts to explain that this creature is a primitive version of the contemporary Centaurs that we know from fantasy myths. Physically, there are several similarities to warrant such a claim. The ruby that grows at the base of its horns was believed to be the source of this creature’s courage and was highly sought after by hunters. It is believed that this aggressive hunting forced the creature to evolve in such a way that it lost its horns and prized ruby in favor for a more human appearance.

The creature is said to be all but extinct.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 5
Social Ability: 11

Information: A large mono-foot bird that has a set of bells at the end of its tail that jingle when it hops. This puts the creature at great risk of being heard by predators, but the jingling sound is meant to attract members of nearby flocks to join wayward individuals. Flocks can number in the dozens with no way of indicating how many individual family groups make up the flock.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 12

Information: A pink monkey with bird-like features, including a beak and talons. It’s diet consists of a combination of fruits and fish. Drawings of corpses indicate that nearly 50% of its internal anatomy is dominated by its lungs. However, the only time it capitalizes on this is during mating season.

In order to attract a mate, males will climb to the highest tree they can find and wait for the sun to rise. As soon as they see it break the horizon, they will sing a single note and hold it for as long as they possibly can. Skilled males are able to hold the note for up to 18 hours. An amazing phenomenon during this time is the fact that each male can be identified by which note they are singing. No two males will sing the same note. Whoever can hold the note the longest will be rewarded with mating rights to the most fertile female in the colony.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 8
Social Ability: 11

Information: This creature is commonly sought after by primitive tribes because of its ornate horn configuration. Chiefs are the only ones allowed to wear the skull of this creature. The fins that are located on the shoulders of this creature are often incorporated into a fur cape. This cape is often symbolically gifted to the second in command when the chief reaches old age.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 14

Information: A giant silver-back spider with a rather comical-looking face. It has a nasty bite that is capably of breaking bones in a single snap. It has adopted a terrestrial form of living, but retains the silk-spinning ability of its evolutionary cousins. This ability has been adapted so that it now shoots small bullets of the sticky web in order to inhibit its prey’s mobility.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 10

Information: A forest creature that grows moss on its back the majority of the year. During the cold months, it will shed the moss in order to grow thicker fur. The moss acts as fertilizer for the plants on the ground when the spring thaw occurs. As the months become warmer, this creature will shed its winter coat in order to produce a surface in which it can grow more of this special moss.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 4
Social Ability: 8

Information: Yet another creature with information found about it on Wikipedia. You might as well go there to find out more information about the creature.

~Zeek Slider

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yeah, it's a tribute creation.]



Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 12
Social Ability: 8

Information: It is a very aggressive creature to everything except its own family. It will raise its offspring with a lot of affection and care. They continue to show this affection long after they’ve reached adulthood. This kind of social behavior suggests a relatively high brain intelligence.

There are a couple of interesting physical features on this creature as well. The most obvious is their hammer-shaped tail. This creature will use it as a form of defense in the same way some experts believe the Stegosaurus used its own tail. For offense, it will use its powerful jaws and what appears to be very complex looking hands. On more than one occasion, it has been observed that this creature will throw sharp rocks at other creatures.

It is quite possible that this creature has evolved to the point where it can use tools, which suggests potential for primitive intelligence to emerge.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 7

Information: I think someone is playing a practical joke on me. If this creature is real, it looks suspiciously like the Muppets from The Muppet Show that sing the song Muhna Muhna. However, the file has no information on it outside of its basic rating and diet information.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 5
Social Ability: 8

Information: The myth says that this creature was created out of evil when the devil violated a dove. The egg became rotten and the chick inside was suppose to have died. What ended up happening was that the egg hatched and gave birth to this species.

Some cultures who have seen this creature believe it to be a sign of death. It is commonly spotted in areas where animal meat is left to rot and in dying trees eating the last of the leaves before they fall.

One culture in particular believes seeing this creature lurking about an elderly person’s home means they will die soon. If the person takes care of the creature, offering it food and shelter, the creature is said to tell the devil to leave the person’s soul alone so it can travel to paradise without temptation from evil.

This same culture believes seeing this creature lurking around the house of a pregnant woman means either the child or the mother will die in labor. At this point, the village midwives will make a panic-induced effort to ensure a safe and healthy labor. If they do not, it is believed that whomever dies will be sent straight to the devil and the midwives will join that soul when their own deaths occur. If the mother should be the one that dies as a result of this, the midwives are made servants for the woman, who will ultimately be giving birth to devil’s spawn for not being strong enough to survive the labor process. If the child dies, the midwives that fail to respond to the call of duty are cursed with taking care of the child soul, which is constantly crying and defecating itself out of a want to be with its mother.

This creature makes me glad I don’t want children.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 7

Information: A predatory cat with a very unique hunting style. Its snout houses venomous glands that it fires into the eyes of prey in order to blind it. If the creature somehow escapes the attack that follows, the poison will travel along the optic nerve and disable the creature’s motor skills. At this point, all this creature has to do is find its prey again and consume it. If another carnivore finds the prey before it does, the venom that disabled the prey will cause the stomach problems for the creature that consumes it, and that creature will end up dying from the ingested venom. This only means a bigger meal in the end!

This is also the only time it ever opens its mouth. The sounds it makes when performing a mating call or growling to scare off competing predators does not seem to originate from the mouth of this creature. It is hypothesized that it has the ability to throw its voice like a ventriloquist. It uses this ability to confuse both prey and predator alike into thinking that there may be more than one of this creature hiding in the area.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 9

Information: Though the eye stalks on the front do function, the actual head of this creature is located at the end of its tail. It has two pairs of tube-like ears and several eyes that give it 360o vision. The false mouth in front is actually its anal sphincter. Its solid waste resembles vomit rather than common fecal matter.

The juvenile nickname this creature has gained from the original observer is Butt-head.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 8
Social Ability: 11

Information: An alien version of our planet’s elephant. Instead of a large, thick-bodied creature, it is small, long, and very thin in some areas. It also has a pair of primitive graspers growing out of the front just below the head that it uses to feed itself branches and twigs from bushes and trees.

The large bulb on its head emits a low frequency sonar that it uses to locate its kind as well as any other creature that it cannot see with its own eyes. It is also used to identify family groups based on the harmonic resonation of the sonar when it bounces off this creature’s tusks.

Each pair of tusks have microscopic grooves covering the surface that changes the pitch of the sonar’s ping when it bounces back to this creature. Each family has its own unique sonar ping similar to a call sign on a submarine.

~Zeek Slider

The Same Creature?

Something has been bothering me my entire lunch break involving the last creature I published on this blog. I could have sworn that I saw something just like it before, so I headed back to the office to look through the past entries and found something very strange.

On the left is the creature I just reported about, the Moishoon. On the right is the creature called Shenkuu. Both look strangely similar, but only one has scientific observations from the field while the other has nothing but a collection of ancient myths in its file.

I wonder, could these two be the same creature?

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 9

Information: This giant bird of prey has several unique features. It is a cold blooded creature and is often seen bathing in the sun in order to regulate its blood temperature. The large fins on its head act like the ears of a desert rabbit on our planet in that they have a high concentration of blood vessels that are very close to the surface of the skin specifically designed for this temperature regulation.

Another unique feature to this creature are the eyes hidden in its plumage. It uses these eyes to scan the area behind it while eating to ensure no other creature is trying to stalk it. During flight, these eyes are also used to locate prey targets its forward eyes may have missed.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 10

Information: This creature has a naturally growing satellite dish at the end of its tail. It can transmit and receive what is reportedly micro-wave signals similar to a two-way radio or cell phone signal. Our technology seems to confuse the creature, as the observer reports several times during wireless transfers of documents.

In the wild, this creature uses this ability to locate others like it within a large area. It is hypothesized their range is anywhere between 15 to 30 square miles. This range doubles if in a clearing. Overprotective mothers are often seen scanning the area if their offspring is not within visual range.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 8
Social Ability: 12

Information: This insect sports a unique bone beard. It is used to protect its soft mouth, which is the weakest part of its body. In order to eat anything, it uses its claws the cut and shred food into tiny bits that it can swallow. In some respect, its hands do the chewing for its mouth.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 13
Social Ability: 12

Information: A kangaroo-like creature with horns and tusks. Its tail features a corkscrew-shaped bone that varies in size. If it is twisting clockwise, the creature is male. If it is twisting counter-clockwise, the creature is female. Dominate males are selected by the size of this bone and are given exclusive breeding rights. The bigger the bone, the more fertile the male is believed to be.

This belief has lead several tribes to hunt dominate males and use the corkscrew bone in potions said to enhance sexual performance.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 3
Social Ability: 11

Information: A very affectionate race. Reportedly so affectionate that it would make other races extremely uncomfortable.

It shows its affection through playful interactions, such as snuggling and light teasing. If it becomes attached to a person, these interactions will include actions like playful fighting and extended snuggling time. Some will even exhibit hugging. Generally, the longer one interacts with the same individual of this race, the more intense the display of affection becomes.

Strangely enough, the idea of kissing is unknown to them. When the observer reporting on this race kissed the individual who became attached to her, she was met with a collective gasp of shock and curiosity as to the action. As of this report, it is unknown if they’ve adopted kissing into their affection displays.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 10
Social Ability: 8

Information: This race believes the crystals that grow on their back contain wisdom. The more crystals that grow, the wiser the individual is said to be. The wisest of this race is said to have a back covered in nothing but crystals, but there are no records of any individual achieving this.

This race also has a unique way of reading and translating light refractions. They have developed and constructed machines that filter the visible spectrum into their individual light waves which are then translated into their native language. The most religious members of this race spend their entire lives translating, reading, and interpreting light in the hope that they will be able to solve the mysteries of the universe.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 12

Information: This alien race is extremely intelligent and has an aggressive streak the size of most dwarf planets. As whole, it is not content with just dominating its home planet. It wishes to rule the universe by force, dominating any race that it encounters. Thankfully, its great flaw is that it spends more time planning than it does actually doing anything to achieve this goal.

~Zeek Slider

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: You guessed it! It's Mojo Jojo!]


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 10
Social Ability: 8

Information: It’s practically a large blue cat with an unusual growth at the end of its tail. This growth contains several small pods, each with its own unique chemical. When mixed, the chemicals exhibit explosive properties.

It has a large bulb in places of a nose. This bulb is covered in sensory receptors that pick up environmental changes of every kind. This creature cannot use the sense of smell in the conventional sense of the word, but rather feels scents carried on the wind.

~Zeek Slider



Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 12
Social Ability: 8

Information: The back side of this giant insect is highly reflective and will blind, both temporarily and permanently, any creature unfortunate enough to look into the glare. The large claws secrete a paralyzing neurotoxin that it uses while hunting. If you are so much as cut by this creature, that part of the body is rendered completely numb and immobile for 12 hours. If the neurotoxin is able to travel to the heart, you’ll be dead within 10 minutes.

Knowing this, the creature makes great effort not to accidentally scratch itself with its giant claws.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 3
Social Ability: 11

Information: A small and extremely cute pink bird. It is known to exhibit affectionate mannerisms that can melt even the coldest of hearts. It is a very common bird that is seen both domestically and in the wild. They are easy to care for, which makes it the ideal first pet for children.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 9
Social Ability: 12

Information: Commonly found in intergalactic space circuses, it’s the equivalent to a show pony here on Earth. It will eat its weight in oaks but immediately burns it off from its daily exercises. It also sings like any song bird, often mimicking the theme song that is played when it is introduced to circus guests.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 12
Social Ability: 11

Information: A bipedal creature with a trunk nose. Reportedly able to fire a thick mucus as a form of defense. Studies on the mucus show that living cell it covers is slowly killed off as it hardens in open air. This includes skin cells and organ tissue. It’s advised that this creature be avoided if seen suffering from a severe cold that includes sneezing.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 11

Information: This giant fuzzy race is obsessed with territorial rights and claims. It believes that anything it touches is its property. This includes things that would otherwise be classified as public space. In order to support this claim, it will slam an open-palm hand on to the surface of the object and place a print or indentation on to it as a sign of ownership. This can cause several fragile objects to break when ownership disputes occur.

When it is not aggressively defending claims of property rights, it can be found often singing songs by the shore of a body of water or in a clearing. The most beautiful of these songs are heartfelt love songs. These songs are only sung upon viewing a member of the opposite sex that is able to dumbfound it where it stands. These songs are practiced for several months in private before being performed in public to win over the affection of the one that inspired the song.

~Zeek Slider

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Fuzzy Lumpkins tribute. The information presented is a combination of his American and Japanese counterparts.]


Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 4
Social Ability: 8

Information: The only thing reported about this creature is the unusual ability to move its limbs to any part of its body, 80% of which is its mouth. No hypothesis as to how this is possible.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 11

Information: The name on the file is not the races real name. The original observer reporting on this race states that they have the ability to show up at any time and any place whenever someone says or even writes their name. Once they appear, they start to instill chaos and mayhem.

A myth found within this race’s history tells a tale of its origins. It apparently was created when the elements of light and darkness where created. Strangely enough, it isn’t a creature of darkness, but a creature of light. It is explained in the myth that when light was created, it was split into two different types: white light and black light. This creature is the product of black light. The text from this point can be interpreted different depending on the persuasion of the culture. Our race would see these creatures as a necessary evil in order to maintain the idea of all things pure, good, and just. This race sees their purpose as a way of disrupting order which will cause the end of life due to how monotonous order can become.

Interestingly enough, this file was recorded by the mysterious Mr. Z who reported on the Powerpuff creature I first published a month earlier.

~Zeek Slider

[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Powerpuff Girls Z version of "HIM." By far the best villian for what is essentially a magical girl cartoon.]



Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 12
Social Ability: 8

Information: A lumbering biped with large muscular arms. The large growths are its sweat glands. They secrete an acid-like liquid that doesn’t harm the thick skin of the creature, but smells extremely awful. The scent can be so overpowering that small creatures tend to lose consciousness when exposed to it.

However, this creature uses the strong odor as a way to silently communicate and locate nests and mates. On paper, this would put them at risk of becoming targets for predators. This is not the case as no predator would come near this creature when it is secreting this liquid.

~Zeek Slider


Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 9
Social Ability: 14

Information: At first glance, it would appear that this creature is the nest for the bird that sits on top of it. In reality, the two are one and the same creature.

The bird atop this creature’s head acts as a social medium between itself and other creatures. It is able to establish relationships and alliances that the creature otherwise could not do on its own. In return, it is hand fed by the creature. The creature will also make a great effort in protecting the bird on its head. This is due to the fact that one cannot live without the other. If either creature dies, they both die.

Diagrams of its anatomy show that both creatures have their own separate brain and heart, yet share a circulatory and nervous system. It’s hypothesized that the combined results of the shared systems is just barely enough to keep this creature alive.

~Zeek Slider