Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 11
Information: This giant fuzzy race is obsessed with territorial rights and claims. It believes that anything it touches is its property. This includes things that would otherwise be classified as public space. In order to support this claim, it will slam an open-palm hand on to the surface of the object and place a print or indentation on to it as a sign of ownership. This can cause several fragile objects to break when ownership disputes occur.
When it is not aggressively defending claims of property rights, it can be found often singing songs by the shore of a body of water or in a clearing. The most beautiful of these songs are heartfelt love songs. These songs are only sung upon viewing a member of the opposite sex that is able to dumbfound it where it stands. These songs are practiced for several months in private before being performed in public to win over the affection of the one that inspired the song.
~Zeek Slider
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Fuzzy Lumpkins tribute. The information presented is a combination of his American and Japanese counterparts.]