Danger Level: 5
Social Ability: 8
Information: The myth says that this creature was created out of evil when the devil violated a dove. The egg became rotten and the chick inside was suppose to have died. What ended up happening was that the egg hatched and gave birth to this species.
Some cultures who have seen this creature believe it to be a sign of death. It is commonly spotted in areas where animal meat is left to rot and in dying trees eating the last of the leaves before they fall.
One culture in particular believes seeing this creature lurking about an elderly person’s home means they will die soon. If the person takes care of the creature, offering it food and shelter, the creature is said to tell the devil to leave the person’s soul alone so it can travel to paradise without temptation from evil.
This same culture believes seeing this creature lurking around the house of a pregnant woman means either the child or the mother will die in labor. At this point, the village midwives will make a panic-induced effort to ensure a safe and healthy labor. If they do not, it is believed that whomever dies will be sent straight to the devil and the midwives will join that soul when their own deaths occur. If the mother should be the one that dies as a result of this, the midwives are made servants for the woman, who will ultimately be giving birth to devil’s spawn for not being strong enough to survive the labor process. If the child dies, the midwives that fail to respond to the call of duty are cursed with taking care of the child soul, which is constantly crying and defecating itself out of a want to be with its mother.
This creature makes me glad I don’t want children.
~Zeek Slider