Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 10
Information: Every morning, the large horns of this creature collect dew water. Depending on both gender and status of the creature, it will use this water in several different ways.
Males will carefully carry the water and then proceed to walk backwards. While facing backwards, it will distribute the water in an effort to wash away its scent to prevent predators from tracking it. During mating season, it will include its nest in this washing if it has already claimed a female in order to wash her scent and prevent competing males from finding her.
Females generally don’t use this water until after they have given birth. At which time, they use the collected water to wake up their young who have a habit of sleeping in during the early morning. Females also use this water to feed their young. They do this by standing under trees that are losing their leaves. Once caught in their dish of water, the leaves are ferried over for the offspring to consume with the water. It is hypothesized that this behavior is the mother helping introduce a solid food diet to her young.
~Zeek Slider