Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 11
Information: The name on the file is not the races real name. The original observer reporting on this race states that they have the ability to show up at any time and any place whenever someone says or even writes their name. Once they appear, they start to instill chaos and mayhem.
A myth found within this race’s history tells a tale of its origins. It apparently was created when the elements of light and darkness where created. Strangely enough, it isn’t a creature of darkness, but a creature of light. It is explained in the myth that when light was created, it was split into two different types: white light and black light. This creature is the product of black light. The text from this point can be interpreted different depending on the persuasion of the culture. Our race would see these creatures as a necessary evil in order to maintain the idea of all things pure, good, and just. This race sees their purpose as a way of disrupting order which will cause the end of life due to how monotonous order can become.
Interestingly enough, this file was recorded by the mysterious Mr. Z who reported on the Powerpuff creature I first published a month earlier.
~Zeek Slider
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Powerpuff Girls Z version of "HIM." By far the best villian for what is essentially a magical girl cartoon.]