Danger Level: 13
Social Ability: 11
Observation: It has one eye, eight nostrils, four razor-sharp claws, and a killing style you have to admire. What this creature does is best described as slow and very painful torture. It will not kill its prey, but rather inflict great damage on it to the point where it will bleed uncontrollably. From that point, it will back off and stalk its prey until it has bled itself to death. If it should lose sight of its meal, it can track it by smelling the blood it is loosing. The entire process can take anywhere from as long as 24 hours to as short as 10 minutes depending on how big a gash it makes on the creature.

Mating is just as bloody. During the summer months, males will collect and stock pile parts of their kills in the hope of attracting a mate from the scent of the blood. The larger the pile, the more impressed the female will be. This is often a combative process due to the fact that some males will try to steal from other males.
The females raise the young, mostly due to the males just leaving after they’ve fertilized the female. After three years of learning how to kill and stalk, the offspring will inherently leave its home to find another hunting ground. When this happens, mothers immediately forget that the creature is their offspring even if they encounter them again during mating season.
~Zeek Slider