Danger Level: 14
Social Ability: 14
Observation: Wow, two alien races declassified in one day! Though this one, I have to admit right now, is really strange.
Discovered by another research who signs their notes using a single letter, this time the letter Z, this delightful creature is very cute but can be very vicious if it needs to defend itself. It prefers a peaceful social existence, often involving singing and putting together costumes from flowers and leaves. A few have adopted a more aggressive lifestyle and often practice punching and defending themselves in hand-to-hand combat, though it is reported that they are equally as cute as their more social counterparts.
Their anatomy is easily flexible, and it is believed that they may have no real skeletal structure. The race does have a fixed cranial bone structure, or skull, but that appears to be it.
And with that, this Z fellow didn’t report much of anything after that. Nothing on their culture, their language, or anything like the last file I read. Kind of a disappointment, as I would have liked to have known why their eyes are so huge.
~Zeek Slider
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yes, this is a fan tribute to The Powerpuff Girls.]