Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 8
Observation: Documented as a scavenger, this small creature travels from area to area looking for corpses to eat for its meat needs. The file makes no mention of what kind of plants it eats, but classifies this creature as an omnivore. This makes it very confusing in determining just why this creature is a scavenger.
When eating meat, it will use its large horns to latch itself on to the corpse. It will then proceed to eat the area bare to the bones, detach itself, and then move to a new spot. This often leaves the corpse looking like it has had its flesh drilled through.
It apparently likes fresh kills or meat that has been rotting out in the sun for a while. The observer reports finding this out when it threw a piece of meat that suffered from freezer burn and was inedible. She reports that the creature touched the slab with one of its antennas and then made a shrieking sound before running away. A few days later, she found the creature back at the same slab of meat eating it happily after the sun had thawed it out.
They travel in packs of at least 3 but no more than 10. They are apparently very high in numbers area game trails, especially where predators will kill for sport rather than for a meal. If something threatens them, they tend to run the other way rather than fight.
They also practice cannibalism. If one of their own kind dies, the immediately family will eat the corpse and all the internal organs before leaving the area. Thanks to this, our observer was able to report that there is an internal skeletal structure to this creature. She does point out that there is a very disturbing feature in that it has no skull. She, much like myself, is left wondering just how its mouth and eyes are held into place. And because all the internal organs were consumed, she was never able to figure out. Apparently, she never got close enough to a just-fallen corpse of this creature.
Either way, this is one ugly little bugger that I hope I never see in real life.
~Zeek Slider