Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 9
Observation: The file reports that this creature is a very intelligent rodent despite its idiotic look. It has mastered the use of primitive tools in order to knock down fruit from trees as well as scare off scavengers who would threaten their nest or stockpile of food.
Its anatomy is rather unusual. While it walks in an upright hunch, it has an elongated neck and arms longer than its legs. It is unclear how this creature evolved these features, but it uses them in a manner that gives it a great advantage over other herbivores. For starters, the longer neck means it can reach food that most creatures it size cannot, similar to an Earth giraffe. Its long arms give it the ability to attack another creature without putting its small torso at risk.
Socially, these creatures are similar to our plant’s own rats. They form colonies in dark areas and can number in the thousands within a single family grouping. They also have a moderately high reproduction rate.
There’s just one thing that bothers me. They look a bit too much like some of the lab rats I’ve seen here at work.
~Zeek Slider
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: I didn't intend on making this creature look like it came from the Pinky & The Brain cartoons. It just kind of happened.]