Danger Level: 6
Social Ability: 4
Observation: This creature is another mono-foot creature that is relatively small and rather simple minded. The observation reports indicates that it has a nasty bite, but is otherwise rather harmless. It likes to keep to its own species and doesn’t travel far from the next. They are easily fascinated by round objects.
Their anatomy is rather unusual. Their physical attributes make this creature resemble a desk lamp. Its skin is also reflective despite being soft and fleshy. The bones of its major joints are exposed, as the skin and muscle tissue never fully form over them. Its single leg doubles as its digestive system. Its anus is under its suction-cup foot. This only leaves a really funny and disgusting image in my mind as to how it goes to the bathroom.
It normally bares one child at a time, though twins are not uncommon. The young are inherently curious and often get themselves in situations that require the aid of the parents. They are also fast learners and never make the same mistake twice.
They are classified as omnivores because of their unique diet of consuming anything with bioluminescence. On their home world, this means anything from fire flies to glowing leaves is in their diet. If it doesn’t glow or give off some kind of light, they don’t eat it. It’s believed that the chemicals that cause bioluminescence in these creatures may be a chemical it lacks in its body.
I think I’ve seen this creature before, but I’m not quite sure where. Probably in a cartoon.
~Zeek Slider
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yes, this is a tribute to Pixar. One of many I hope to make.]