
Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 11

Observation: According to the file, this creature has more to it than what is seen at first glance. The observer admits several times to making false assumptions and then correcting his original reports.

This creature is, essentially, a wild boar with crystals growing on its back. The crystals are reported to be how this creature processes excess sugar from the plants it consumes. The crystals are so highly concentrated with sugar, that several carnivores and omnivores, possible ones with a taste for sweets, target this creature constantly just to enjoy them.

Evolution has given this creature some defenses to combat this. First is a series of poisonous glands that line the creature’s back. If it feels threaten, it will fire a noxious venom in an explosive manner. Predators that are unfortunate enough to have even a drop land in their eyes are blinded for several hours. A direct hit from the glands results in a slow and painful poisoning that ends with the creature’s death after three days.

It has no forward-facing eyes of it own, but rather one compound eye on the back disguised as a crystal. This is designed to help it spot any predator that would stalk it from behind. Any predator that decides to attack from the front is spotted rather quickly. The large horn-shaped bulb on its chin acts in a similar fashion as the forehead of Earth dolphins by emitting sonar waves. Its ears are trained to pick up the ultra-sonic sound waves as they bounce off of objects. It also have a series of very sensitive feathered feelers which can pick up scents carried by the wind. This makes it almost impossible to stalk the creature, so cunning predators will resort to the element of surprise.

It moves forward by using its sonar and sense of smell when looking for food or while traveling. In heavily forested areas, this can lead to some very erratic walking patterns as it narrowly escapes from bumping into trees. In open fields, it moves at a casual pace, possibly to wait for its sonar to come back to help it map the area. If needed, it will risk identifying itself by squealing to help map the area quicker.

No information on its diet or even its social behavior was record.

~Zeek Slider