I came back from lunch to find my work station a mess. The stack of files I was going to tackle for the day has been scattered all over the floor! Several of the filing cabinets have had their drawers pulled and emptied out. It looked like a tornado blew through here, which is completely bizarre.
The reason? My work station is in the corner of room lined with filing cabinets with no windows. The room is also locked at all time, with access restricted to anyone with a Level 3 or higher clearance.
I just got back from Security, and there wasn’t any footage of anyone entering the room after I left for lunch. From the time I left to the time I rushed to Security is not enough time to delete the video, especially when one of our security personnel is on the clock watching the monitors.
Maybe the Glitch creature I was looking into is real after all and they are making themselves known. No, that can’t be it. This isn’t a social error or computer bug. This is a prank, and something else is behind it. I’m almost certain of it.
~Zeek Slider