Danger Level: 5
Social Ability: 11
Observation: Having multiple heads as a result of a mutation is very common, particularly in reptiles and amphibians, but to have multiple heads naturally for any creature is still an oddity of myth and legend. To have multiple heads and be able to still be aerodynamic is a feat in it of itself.
The report indicates that this creature’s diet is mostly liquidized fruit. To do this, it chews its meal in its mouth and filters the liquid out into the large lower jaw. It spits out the pulp and then swallows the liquid.
Each head only has one nostril, which the creature’s observer believes may be more of an advantage due to the fact that it has two heads. His hypothesis was proved true when he observed one head looking up wind and another head looking down wind to spot potential predators.
Its blue coloring is meant to protect the creature from ultra-violet rays due to a thin atmosphere. Thin enough, apparently, to cause first degree sunburns on the observer to the point where he sent out a prototype observation drone.
The underside of the creature is exposed flesh lined with white pits. It was observed that the white pits are actually unfertilized eggs that both genders carry with them at all times. Its hypothesized that this is to ensure a successful fertilization in a very inhabitable world. When the eggs are fertilized, they bud outward and resemble warts. At this point, the creature then finds a safe place to nest and hatch the eggs. They will use their large wings to shade the nest until their first feathers come in two weeks later. This behavior was probably adopted after several generations of trial and error.

The only sound it makes is in when the sun is rising or setting. It is a song that is described in the report as "a haunting combination of the most beautiful lullabies you can remember in a low alto range." I’m not sure what that means, since I can’t even read music let alone know what an alto’s range is.
The file ends with a drawing of the two heads. The observer apparently was lucky enough to find a corpse of this creature. The findings are quite interesting. Each head seems to have only half a brain, but the half it has is the opposite of its position on the body. The right head has a brain only on the left side of its cranial cavity; the left head has a brain on the right side. The drawings do not indicate that these brains are under developed. It looks like someone split a brain in half down the hemispheric dividing line and put the separate halves in each of the two heads. How this creature was able to think with this kind of internal organ configuration is beyond me! In fact, just reading that is making my head hurt.
~Zeek Slider