Danger Level: 9
Social Ability: 12
Observation: The name is almost unpronounceable, but there is a lot of information on this creature that is really interesting.
For starters, this creature is easily related to the Earth gorilla in physical features. There are some major differences, however. The first one is that it lacks a fur coat. In its place is a leathery skin which forms protective scales on the shoulders, front torso, and along the spine. It has three horns, two of which are growing out of the scales on its shoulders while the third is growing out of skull. Flanking the horn on its head is a pair of feeler antennas commonly found on insects that are used as a second pair of nostrils.
The most fascinating piece of information I have to share is how it walks. Our planet’s gorillas walk on their hind legs and use their arms as supports and even as graspers. This creature is able to walk upright on, what we would call, its hands while using its feet as graspers! Because of how much weight it needs to carry, the body is held rather low to the ground. This has caused the arms to truncate over time, and yet they are still able to reach the creature’s mouth!

While I’m on the subject of combat and defense, the rating for this creature appears to contradict the information in the file. It has a mid-level threat level, but the observer notes that the creature is very aggressive and prefers a social network that is very close to their nest. Any creature that approaches it is automatically considered a threat, no matter how big or small. If there are young ones in the area, the females end up taking this behavior to the most extreme level imaginable. It’s a wonder how they ever find a mate without resorting to incest! Any other creature found in their comfort zone will be watched carefully. If they stay too long, they will be attacked. If they don’t run away, they will be killed and consumed.
Clearly this creature would rather be left alone than make friends.
~Zeek Slider