| Structure Type: Government |
Information: This building is known as the Tree of Wisdom by the Nosiwee race. Al's been furiously digging into the information associated with this race and these buildings in the hope of contacting them, but from the information provided about this building, there appears to be no way of making contact with it. For one, the building is primarily made out of wood with stone blocks acting as supports for the upper chamber. Due to their ability to fly, access to the governmental offices are strictly air-based. There is a door on the ground floor, but access to the higher areas is kept under tight security, which is strange for a reportedly peaceful race. What little information we have on the inner workings of this building suggest that the Nosiwee that gather there channel their psychic energy in order to observe the best path to take in global matters and intergalactic politics.
 | Structure Type: Commercial |
Information: The Coop Club is an oddly designed building that defies the law of gravity. Though each wooden bulb is connected to the other via a stone stairwell, there is noting supporting the actual weight of the building underneath it. The only thing more mysterious about this building is the top VIP room. There is no information about what goes on in that room. The rest of the building apparently is attuned to specific alternate realities based on their position in space. It is here where the Nosiwee go to entertain themselves by observing the most extreme "what if" scenarios.
 | Structure Type: Residential |
Information: The housing structure for the Nosiwee are a series of elevated duplexes. They are built extremely high to prevent members of the race from accessing the private homes of others through flight. The only way into any of these buildings is through a secured elevator or stairwell. Both are locked by a form of psychic technology that can only be opened through brain waves. Once in the actual living area, the view is said to be spectacular. The structure even has an open common patio for anyone who wishes to spend their time out doors instead of inside. Though the interior is said to be just as lovely and fully furnished.
~Zeek Slider