Last time, I explained the new rating system of alien creatures and races. Tonight, I’ll be posting information about how buildings and forms of alien technology will be rated. (And then I’m going to bed.)
First, the technology. While galactic races do have a multitude of technology from advance software to raw materials that are not found on our planet, the only ones I will be able to post declassified information about are their vehicles. Alien vehicles come in four different classes: Military, Religious, Economic, and Spaceship. Those crafts labeled as Spaceships do not get any of the following ratings added to their publication for classified reasons. In fact, the information I can post about space-traveling vehicles is rather limited to their primary use and which race, if any that can be identified, uses them the most common.
For the other three classes of vehicles, there are three categories in which ratings are assigned based on a percentage scale. The percentage scale is a rough estimate of their overall distribution of things like speed, armor, and general threat level. For military (or M Class) vehicles, this is pretty self explanatory. With religious (R Class) and economic (E Class) vehicles, their so-called threat comes from their ability or effectiveness of their primary directive. For R Class vehicles, the rating is based on their ability to house, transport, and convert members of a galactic faith. For E Class vehicles, this rating is based on the size of their cargo holds.
Keep in mind that his percentage rating is out of 100% and is not meant as an accurate representation of a vehicle’s true strength. Furthermore, these ratings are for the most commonly used models that we have records of. Much like how we can upgrade our cars into something that would get the attention of the MTV crowd, they can easily upgrade their tanks to withstand larger shells or fire heavier rounds of ammo.
Buildings (thankfully) only have one form of labeling. Due to the similarities in function and variety of architectural design, this labeling system comes in four flavors: Government, Residential, Industrial, and Commercial. Information posted about these buildings is supplied from the races that constructed them, however many are very secretive as to their true function. Especially in their Government and Industrial buildings! Most of the time, I’ll be posting quotes from advertisements or translations of historical records about the building, as that is the only thing available.
Al, being a very efficient creature with his four arms, organized several stacks of profiles for me to start publishing. He even took the liberty of uploading a few images up on the Spore tracker due to a problem with connectivity with the data server I was accessing and the actual server this blog is on. And judging from how tall the pile is on my desk of just the creatures, I have a lot of work to do.
~Zeek Slider