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Danger Level: Medium (Pack x4) Social Ability: High Culture: Aggressive, Religious Galactic Class: Zealot |
Information: An interesting race this one, and prime example of what is to come in this blog as far as how profiles are set up. As you can tell, we have a lot of history on this race that dates back to when it first crawled out of the proverbial primordial ooze.
It’s first form was found on a planet in our area of the galaxy close to the Galactic Core called we have labeled as Euruckus. We also believe that area of the galaxy experienced a supernova that may have destroyed the system this planet was located in.
According to our large file, the very first stages of its history are rather contradictory in their nature. As you can tell, it is a carnivore, but it is also very social. Translations from historical records and scientific observations suggest that it may have had a symbiotic relationship with larger predators, often befriending them in order to avoid becoming their meal. Another theory suggests that the filter feeder mouths that it formed between its second and final evolutionary stages may have been functional rather than aesthetic or the result of its fish fins changing due to environmental pressures. If this was the case, then as a wild animal, it didn’t need to eat meat to survive and somewhere along the lines developed a taste for it similar to how some of us humans can stomach some foods but don’t like the taste of others.
It is clear that upon its migration to land, this creature suffered a lot of mutations Evolution was trying out different looks and functions to see which would work in this alien planet and which would not. The multiple heads and being able to survive with three of them is rather shocking. What’s more surprising is the fact that towards the end of its animal state, the brain mass of each of the heads were identical in mass. This means that no head is smarter than the other or less capable of thinking.
While there is a dispute on how it evolved wings, the one thing that is agreed upon is that it came out of a need for mobility. The average body size of an adult is roughly that of a professional basketball player, and to move that much mass with nothing but your hands does take a lot of effort. The planet’s terrain is believed to once have a lot of hills and valleys. In order to cover enough ground, those that were airborne had it made. Those unable to fly had to deal with steep hills and other obstacles that could potentially be used as traps by predators.
This lack of mobility was still an issue even after the creature evolved wings and gained sentient status. They became very aggressive in their behavior and would use their primitive weapons to fend off anything that would come within reach of them. Outside scholars believe this is due to how it had to survive as an animal. Supposedly, there were many tribes and most of them were killed off because of this problem.
It is unclear how this particular set shown above was able to form cities. It is believed it may have something to do with the location of their primitive sentient cousins, as most of their modern cities sit rather close to large rock quarries. (I’ll post more about their buildings at another time.) This would explain why they worship rocks and gemstones above all natural forms.
This nature-based religion was very popular among the tribes that thrived, and in a very rare occasion, all of the tribes that did survive were all practicing the same religion! Talk about Vegas odds! However, this religion eventually hit extremities at both ends. The pacifists were eventually whipped out by those who used force to spread their Gospel. And in another rare occasion, their world is said to have been unified under this one faith.
It is believed that they became a space race in order to search for and thank the deity that created them and their planet, but the most recent records we have from this race indicate that the best they could do was be on par with our planet’s own space program. No colonies on other planets, much like Al says most space-faring races can construct, but able to send radio waves across space.
This file hasn’t been updated in about 25 years and with the recent Hubble images attached to this file of a supernova in that area, it is believed the race is extinct.
~Zeek Slider