
Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 5
Social Ability: 10
Information: Made famous on our planet as those little green men that would invade Earth and enslave humanity, the real life race is nothing more than an intergalactic food critic. Reportedly, its pallet is extremely sensitive to any thing that touches it. They are able to consume most any food produce and then tell the cook that made it exactly what was in the dish with surprising accuracy.

They are extremely hard to please. Chefs that are praised by this race are few and far between, but maintain a level of culinary excellence that keeps this race coming back time and time again. Their recommendations have been known make or break businesses and careers.

Unfortunately, most upscale restaurants will not let them into their establishment. The race secretes a smile that has been known to leave stains on fancy silk fabrics and velvet upholstery.

~Zeek Slider