| Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 12
Social Ability: 7 |
Information: A large, slow-moving mammal with equally large claws. It is often seen lumbering around forests or digging the ground near rotted-out trees for grub worms to eat. It is generally a very peaceful creature with no known natural predators. However, due to their size and natural habitat, their numbers are rather low.
Mating season is particularly difficult on this creature. Due to its slow movement, mates must be within a day’s walk away in order to secure a successful continuation of this species. To make the situation even more difficult, if the female does produce an offspring, she must be careful not to crush it under its own weight. If the young are able to make it to their first birthday, the mating season is considered a success.
The duel mouths of the Pherette. |
The file documents several occasions where this creature has been seen eating meat outside of its den. It does this as an example to any that would try to attack it while it is sleeping. It also collects and piles the bones of the creatures it has consumed on either side of the entrance to its den, possibly as war trophies or as a warning. This kind of behavior is odd for an otherwise gentle creature. It’s hypothesized that the meat it consumes is a substitute for a lack of grub worms or edible plant life within the small area surrounding its home.
~Zeek Slider