| Diet: Herbivore Danger Level: 7 Social Ability: 11 |
Information: A forest creature that has a horn structures of a moose and a deer combined into one very beautiful display. It has a trunk nose similar to an elephants that, reportedly, produces an ultra-sonic frequency. This frequency is similar to that used in dog whistles. Its been observed that it only uses this ability when facing off with a predator. The sound is suppose to cause the predator to turn the other way out of the annoyance and painful sting of the frequency. If it doesn’t work the first time, it is adjusted over the course of the stand off until the predator begins to react to the sound.
If this creature is unable to find the correct frequency to repel the predator, it will use its large horns as a way to defend itself in battle. While not sharp enough to cause anything but a few deep wounds, the horns are large enough to pose a potential threat to their natural predators.
~Zeek Slider