Danger Level: 11
Social Ability: 11
Observation: I was told I would get some strange files, but I didn’t expect to get something like this. There is nothing in the folder that looks like an observation report of any kind outside of the ratings. What is in the file is a collection of parchment pages that look like they belong in a historical museum. We’re talking the "break out the white gloves and try not to breathe on it" kind.
The pages are actually a series of myths and legends surrounding the creature. It is said to have been born when a male dragon unwittingly fertilized the egg of a phoenix. The phoenix, realizing the egg had been violated, threw it out of its nest and let nature carry it deep into the forest to meet its faith. When the egg was hatched, this creature was created.
Another myth tells the cautionary tale of this creature, painting it in another kind of light. It states that this creature will stand on the top of a hill or cliff that overlooks a valley and observe what is happening. Should the valley be one of conflict, it will only add to the conflict by stealing live stock from farmers. If the valley is peaceful, it will leave and never return until its large ears catch the sound of war in the area.
The description of this creature observing from a far off location but one that can still cause it to be seen is repeated enough times to be considered factual. The meaning behind these observations, however, changes from myth to myth.
An interesting myth in the file is meant to explain the location of the creature’s nest. It claims that after it was created, it made a den in a cave that was between the ground and the sky. It is also supposedly surrounded by both clouds and trees. This could mean that the creature lives in high altitude caves just below the tree line.
Strangely enough, outside of its origin story, there are no myths or stories about finding another egg from this same species. You would think that there would be a story about that somewhere, like one of a child who found an egg only to be terrorized by its mother or something.
~Zeek Slider