Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 14
Observation: A race of intergalactic mediators and negotiators who are called upon by other alien races in their quadrant. They are completely neutral in all political, social, economic, and religious matters. This gives them a unique advantage of being able to find the fabled middle ground that can please both sides of any divide.
Parents will bring their children to jobs that they have been assigned to in order to help train them for their future role. During this time, the cases that parent and child find themselves in are the most difficult to solve. More often than not, the child will come up with a solution to the problem before their parent.
Cases are assigned by gender. If the two representatives that have called the meeting are males, a female is assigned. If the representatives are female, a male is assigned. This kind of assignment set up is designed to offset any gender role stereotyping that may turn out to be factual. The majority of the races that call for their mediatory skills usually will have a high level of respect for members of the other gender. If one representative, however, is unable to make the meeting and sends a substitute that is not of the same gender, the meeting is considered unbalanced and cancelled by this race until the next available meeting time. This practice tends to lead to failed negotiations and the start of wars, surprisingly with no blame being placed on this race.
~Zeek Slider