Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 7
Observation: I went over this file last night, but was unsure if I should publish it. I checked with my supervisor this morning, and after a few phone calls, I was told I’d be doing the public a great service by publishing information on this creature.
This creature is the result of testing an unstable formula on lab animals by a company that I will refer to simply as G-CORP. The formula caused a change in the physical features of the lab rabbit, the most noticeable going towards the green fur. Its appetite changed from herbivore to carnivore almost overnight, and it developed an aggressive personality.
Some time in 2004, a lab worker was bit by one of these creatures and begin to exhibit zombie-like behavior. Clearly infected by the animal, it was quarantined as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the infection spread like wild fire and the entire complex of G-CORP had to be destroyed.
One year later, another G-CORP was built, and this creature was allowed to reproduce at astronomical rate. As more and more generations were born, their aggressive nature began to slowly revert back to the peaceful behavior of normal rabbits. Unknown at the time, their infectious virus that they naturally produce in their saliva became more potent than before. Several members of G-CORP who were bit by the creature exhibited mutations such as discoloration of the skin and eyes. Severe cases of infection produced horns and misshapen teeth. Some time during this second outbreak, Animal Rights extremists broke into the lab and released every last specimen that was kept for observation. This resulted in a third and uncontrollable outbreak of the virus.
Eventually, a cure was produced to combat the infection. A special team organization working directly with G-CORP was formed to search for cases of infection with explicit instructions to administer the cure and search the area for wild Grunnies.
~Zeek Slider