Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 8
Social Ability: 8
Observation: Technically, the entire body of this creature is a one giant face. The eyes are located at the base of the body between the limbs in a configuration designed for close proximity spying. The mouth of this creature is hidden in its tall, erect tail. The nose are disguised as leaves that surround the mouth to give it a flower appearance and are specialized to pick up scents carried on the wind.

The plain fact of the matter is that this creature evolved to mimic the surrounding trees of its territory. It hunts by positioning itself at the edge of commonly traveled paths and waits for something to linger near by. It keeps itself hidden by lowering its body into tall grassy patches. Its eyes are then extend in order to survey the area every half hour. When prey is spotted, all the eyes with track it in order to determine the proper time and location on the body in which to strike. Once it has locked its target, the tail will whip down upon the spot while the large claws attempt to pin the unfortunate victim. A successful pin will result in a second volley of whips and bites from the tail and mouth until the prey has submitted to its injuries. The creature will then drag the kill into the tall grass and proceed to eat it hidden in the shadows of the trees it was mimicking.
~Zeek Slider