
Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 10
Social Ability: 11

Observation: I, too, fell for the trick that this large bird has evolved when I first looked at this file. I guess that shows just how good of a trick it is!

This creature is an herbivore that has no natural predators due to the fact that it looks like a creature of higher intelligence. This provokes a fear in nearly every creature that could kill it, including several small tribes on its planet. It maintains this trick with the stripes on its body and the constant grooming of its feathers on its neck. A flock of these will often practice social grooming similar to Earth’s primate population. They even evolved a fleshy feature on their beaks that looks like a Witch Doctor’s nose bone and what appears to be human ears on either side of their head! Yet this creature has not reach a state of social sentience.

During mating season, this creature will use a flower-like growth on its joints and tail to spread pheromones in the air to attract a mate. When a member of the opposite sex is met, the two will perform a dance. If their dances are in synchronous rhythm with each other, they are considered mates. If one of them is not in sync with the other, it is considered a bad match and the two go their separate ways. This mating behavior is possibly used to maintain the trick of looking like a sentient creature.

It only eats a coconut-like fruit. The surface is so thick that it uses its claws to break it open. Fledglings often use meal time as a way to train their striking attacks by propping the fruit on a small rock or jumping at it from a short distance.

It wouldn’t surprise me if this file received an update soon claiming that this creature has become sentient of its existence. It’s very close to that point as it is right now.

~Zeek Slider