Diet: Carnivore
Danger Level: 17
Social Ability: 9
Observation: One of our more recent findings, apparently. It was discovered and observed on 20071005 by someone who only signs their reports with the letter L. I asked around the office as to who this person may be, but all I was told was that the person was a complete nerd. Only one person hinted towards a gender, claiming she was being hit on by this person. It doesn’t sound like this L guy was very popular.
The creature L reported back is a very vicious and dangerous creature. Several of his journal entries report that every kill this creature makes is both brutal and extremely difficult to witness. It reportedly eats its prey while it is still alive. L gave this creature its name due to fact that it is last thing it sees when it dies.
The name itself is Japanese in origin. It literally translates into the phrase "God of Death." The idea of death personified didn’t reach Japan until the Meiji era. I’m not big on world history, but what little I remember of it wants me to say that this was around the time when Europe was influencing the rest of the world. Knowing this much, I would guess that L had an interest in Japanese culture as I do.

An interesting anatomical feature of the Shinigami is naturally forming gauntlet on its hands. L reports that this gauntlet is formed from birth and only hardens as it grows. Newborn Shinigamis tend to break their wrists at least once, but juveniles are able to take blows to the forearms with no problem. Given how fragile their limbs appear to be, it makes sense that this creature would evolve some kind of protective element on one of its most powerful attack weapons. Its second powerful weapon is clearly the large claws on its feet. Combined with the wings on its back, this creature probably adopted an attack similar to the birds of prey we are familiar with. Because L reported that this creature doesn’t outright kill its prey, I have to hypothesize that the claws are the initial start of the attack, possibly to blind the prey, if it is a decent size or could potentially be a combative equal. Once on the ground, it then slashes with the claws on its natural gauntlet until its prey is disabled.

It has another part designed for attack: a flexible horn with a razor-sharp edge on the front. L’s report indicates only one observation in its use, and it’s a rather disturbing one. As a final act of mercy, L observed a juvenile Shinigami using the horn to behead its prey after eating the majority of the body. The young shinigami then proceeded to play with the head like a cat with a ball of yarn. Just reading that again makes me want to vomit. L hypothesizes that the adults probably do this as well, but none of his reports back indicate an opportunity to witness this.
His reports stop there. There is no other information on the creature beyond that. Given how inherently evil this monster is, I wouldn’t be surprised if he fell victim to it.
~Zeek Slider
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yes, this creature is my tribute to Death Note.]