Danger Level: 4
Social Ability: 12
Observation: This creature apparently found the need to evolve four different heads, each specialized for a specific sense such as hearing and sight. The larger head in the rear is the head for sight despite the fact that all four heads have eyes. The pair of heads in the middle are in charge of hearing, though stereophonic hearing is clearly beyond their ability since each head only has one ear. The small, forward head is designed for the sense of smell, again, despite the fact that the rear head obviously has a pair of nostrils itself.

This creature also has a very impractical way of reproducing. It will lay an egg in the open and then walk away from it. The idea is that a member of the opposite gender will come along an fertilize the egg and care for it until it hatches. This very rarely happens. Once it leaves the egg, scavengers come and claim it almost immediately. It tries to counter this by laying several dozen eggs over the course of a season in random locations, but at least 80% of them end up as a free meal for other creatures.
A lame duck if there ever was a picture-perfect example of one, as far as I’m concern.
~Zeek Slider