| Diet: Herbivore Danger Level: Medium Social Ability: Medium |
Information: When I saw the DNA we were using next with the Creature Tweaker, the first thing I said was “Let it have sight!” It was originally blind, so we gave it eyes. However, the DNA in this creature was strong enough to almost override the machine, so we didn’t end up with the eyes we wanted to put on it. We also decided to give it longer claws to help it dig better, but after giving it all these features to make it better, we decided to give it a pair of giant tusks to make eating difficult.
Turns out when it was constructed that eating with those tusks is not the problem. Walking is! The larger claws makes it walking gait rather awkward, and for a while it kept tripping over itself in a rather humorous way. Well, at least we got a laugh out of it.