Krest-etraw Blipu

Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: So the last creature we made was this beautiful bird. We both agreed that we didn’t like the coloring for something that looked so majestic in flight, so we fixed that with the Creature Tweaker. However, we also learned that this bird originally was an omnivore, which we thought was odd. We decided to change its diet into that of an herbivore, as well as take away a few of its claws.

These simple changes resulted in the crest on its head to become larger and more pronounced, which we liked. Unfortunately, it still retained its dull coloring of the tail feathers. It seems that some things we simply cannot repaint with this machine. But this creature looks beautiful now with its golden wings and large feathers.

Well, I had a lot of fun creating life, but after this creature, the machine broke down. I don’t know when the next time we’ll be able to pay with this again, but I’m told I’ll get a call once its fixed.
