
Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Medium
Social Ability: Medium
Information: Continuing our little experiment at playing Spode/God/Allah/The Flying Spaghetti Monster, my friend and I decided to forcefully evolve a cellular creature into one capable of living on land. The result was this creature.

We removed its proboscis and gave it a more appropriate-shaped mouth. We kept its large eyes, but added eye lids to give it the ability to emote. Its already had a spiky collar to protect itself, but we decided to sharpen one of the horns just out of randomness. We also gave it legs for faster mobility and then gave it a tail with a spike at the end. We got really spike crazy with this creature, as you can see by the addition of the insect arms we threw on there.

Upon its construction, we noticed that it has a very aggressive nature. We aren’t sure how this happened, but it may have something to do with all the weaponry we gave it. It is heavily armed for an herbivore.
