
Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: Low
Social Ability: Medium
Information: This strange creature appears to resemble a stuffed toy, complete with the brightly colored patch work on its skin. It is covered with short and very fine hairs giving it the texture of velvet when touched. It’s unknown as to why this is the case, especially since this creature does have internal organs unlike the ones previously discovered.

It has evolved two pairs of wings to give it added momentum in its efforts to avoid predators. The wings located on its neck are actually stabilizing rudders to make its snake-like body more aerodynamic. Though it cannot travel very far both in the air and on land, the sudden take-offs do frighten any creature within its range. This is due to the thunderous noise it makes while beating its wings. The file suggests it sounds similar to a motorcycle starting up, only at a higher pitch.

~Zeek Slider