Diet: Omnivore Danger Level: Medium Social Ability: Low | |
Incidentally, this creature is often found at the edge of volcanoes. Local tribal legends suggest that this creature may actually be a resident of the volcanoes it is found in. The brightly colored legs match the color of magma, and its feathers are the same gray color of the smoke emitted during dormancy. It is believed that this coloring is due to the fact that it nests in the lava of the volcano. To come across one is believed to be a warning that the volcano is about to erupt. The legends suggest that the area of damage caused by the volcano’s eruption is based on how deep into the forest this creature is found. If one wonders into a village, its residents immediately evacuate out of fear. They traditionally follow this creature until it stops to hunt. From this position, the tribe will continue to move several hundred miles in an effort to re-establish their village at a safer distance.
These myths have been proven false, with the exception of the detection of when volcanic eruptions will occur. The large tail feathers of this creature are actually a highly-sensitive system of atmosphere readers that constantly check on various conditions such as heat and air pressure. Subtle changes in any atmospheric condition often result in this creature fleeing the scene in the name of safety.
~Zeek Slider