| Diet: Herbivore Danger Level: Low Social Ability: Medium Culture: Industrious, Economic Galactic Class: Engineer/Trader |
Information: This race is often sought out due to its advance software programming abilities. They seem to advance their efforts at a break-neck speed and show no sign of slowing down the progress. More often than not, their programs are obsolete the moment they are published. They have a high percentage of producing bug-free software with a compatibility rating that has never been matched by any technology-based race. They are also a master of being able to diagnose and correct software issues from other races within a matter of hours.
However, they have a very strict moral code they all follow with this vast knowledge of technology. The main codex for them is to never maliciously compromise another race’s software for any reason, even during times of war. While they are capably of crippling their enemies’ technology from the inside, they view it as an unfair advantage.
~Zeek Slider