Why did Ross take over for a while?

I have to apologize for not posting for quite a while. We are getting a flood of information back from the exploration mission we launched back in September, and everyone here is both in a state of awe and panic. We are trying to organize everything, as well as write detailed reports based on transmissions being sent to us. Unfortunately, this takes time, since the planet is several light years away.

For now, Ross will be the one posting information he’s found from one of our back-up satellite databases.

I should also note that there are some alien races that are greatly affected by the ingredients that the Sammie empire uses in their dishes, many of which avoid those planets during the celebration of Icky Ta Maass due to their race being sent into a comatose state because of the food. (This information came from Al.) In Ross’s case, the Haxxor race just gets very drowsy.

I have to get back to work, but hopefully Ross will be on here again from wherever he is to continue posting.

~Zeek Slider