The second phase is a little trickier, because it involves co-originating a few things on the hardware ends that would bore you to tears if I went into it. So I won't. After I'm done there, I'll lift the security block, since I bet you guys are getting annoyed by not being able to access the blog and leave you be.
But know this: You haven't seen the last of me! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! (I've always wanted to say that. Tee-hee!)
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: I’m applying to join this sub-community in Spore known as the Playable Buddy List after being recommended to join by several people who have found and enjoyed my creations. Apparently, these same people have recommended me to be a part of the list. Their PR rep for the community is really good at selling the list, so I decided to join.
However, there are some very strict rules in order to be a part of the list. The first part is to get rid or fix any creatures that do not fit the rules. (You can view the complete rules here.) This is pretty much what I’ve been doing via this new character Ross.
Ross will come back whenever I have a creation that I cannot or will not upload to Spore.com. Most of his posts will, from this point on, be marked with the tag “exclusive” to let you guys know that the PNG you will be downloading are not part on my Spore.com page but are legitimately from me.
The second part of my application process into the PBL is to prune the evolutionary tree of my creatures to just three or four creatures. Ideally, one of each evolutionary status (simple, complex, wild) and each with a different name. However, with the exception of the posted Genovist and the two most recent races I’ve made as of this typing, the ones I’ve already established are part of a new plot for the blog. This means there will be a few key entries that will be post-dated so that they will be up on schedule and paced properly as I move the deleted generations of the evolutionary timeline into my PhotoBucket account.
It’s a lot of work, but I hope to get it done so I can start posting about the buildings and vehicles I’ve made, as well as a few other creatures I’ve produced.]