
Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 12
Social Ability: 13
Information: An impish alien race that stands just under six feet tall and is extremely athletic. They are a highly active race, constantly playing in one form or another with each other. This results in their four arms being incredible agile in movement and their powerful running legs.

Among the sports they excel in include but are not limited to boxing, tennis, marathon racing, gymnastics, and football/soccer. They excel so well in these and many other sports that they have been barred from participating in these events during The Galactic Olympic Games by the IPOC (Interplanetary Olympics Committee) in the name of fairness. Political allies of this race continue to protest this claim on the grounds that it is discrimination. As of this file, their lobbying efforts have not done them any good.

That reminds me, wasn’t this year an Olympic year?

~Zeek Slider