
Diet: Omnivore
Danger Level: 3
Social Ability: 13
Information: This alien race is one of the few reported about that live underwater. They have developed lungs, but they are rather weak due to the rarity of their use. They only need them when visiting the surface for diplomatic reasons. The rest of the time, they breathe through their gills like any other fish.

Their culture is best described as very relaxed. They enjoy very simple pleasures and are very difficult to insult. In fact, they love to laugh at themselves and their flaws. If one is able to befriend a member of this race, they will find a friend for life that is anything but boring.

Their only known pet peeve is having their home polluted. As mentioned earlier, they visit the surface to address this issue on a regular basis. While there is a breed of fish that will consume the pollution, this race believes that reliance on this creature is not enough. After all, this race has yet to cause any environmental harm to the race that lives on their home world’s surface.

~Zeek Slider