| Diet: Carnivore Danger Level: 13 Social Ability: 5 |
Information: A monster of a sea creature if there ever was one. Similar in features to the creature from the Black Lagoon movies in some respect, this amphibious creature will only leave the water if the supply of fish is low. Once on land, it has 24 hours to hunt for food before its skin begins to dry out. If caught too far inland, there is a good chance it will die before it gets back to its watery home.
The ten tentacles used to smell, on both land and in water. |
It has a series of tentacles along the upper portion of its snout that function as its nose. They generally are inactive and often just hang about off the creature’s gaping maw. When on land, they will undulate as it turns its head. It is believed that this movement is the creature using its sense of smell to sniff out prey. This action is exclusive to its land behavior and is not used under water. It is hypothesized that this creature cannot pick up scents unless they are moving pass these tentacles. In order to do this on land, especially when there is no breeze, it had to develop the ability to move them at will. It is also hypothesized that it doesn’t do this while under water due to the constant current movements bringing the scents from near by.
Its diet under water is dominantly fish and cephalopod. On land, its diet can include but is not limited to small costal mammals, birds, and the unfortunate teenage girl walking by a body of water where it just so happens to live.
~Zeek Slider