| Diet: Omnivore Danger Level: 9 Social Ability: 9 |
Information: Once believed to be a race of birds, it was later determined that they have more in common with reptiles as far as anatomical features go. As a culture, they are jovial and love a good laugh. Their racial in-joke seems to involve a very puzzling piece of their anatomy. However, no matter how offensive the joke is, they are capable of laughing it off and not become upset by it.
The mysterious wings that are the butt of their culture’s joke. |
Their physical anatomy has a lot of in common with birds, particularly their hands and feet. They have a beak shaped mouth that and a small plumage that also suggests that they may have evolved from birds. However, the biggest mystery is their wings. They are shaped and in a similar density as those found on insects and appear to originate from a triangular bone just below the neck between the shoulder blades. Even this race is not sure how they came to have these strange wings, but they appreciate the fact they do have them, often with jokes about where they may have come from.
I have this odd feeling this race may be my new assistant.
~Zeek Slider