Danger Level: 9
Social Ability: 7
Information: This file is filled with photos of stone tablets with alien writings. Accompanying these photos are translations based on an alien version of the Rosetta Stone used by the original authors of this myth.
The legend states that there is a dragon on their home planet, only one, that has the ability to make a poor man rich by simply by shedding its skin. A single scale from this golden dragon is said to be worth more than the wealthiest king known on the planet. One can buy almost anything in the known world simply by presenting even a chip from this dragon’s scale.
This same legend states that there is a dragon on their home planet, only one, that has the dark ability of turning good men evil. It does this through temptation and granting what the person believes will give them great worth and power in the world. Many noble kings have fallen because of this dragon.
The physical description of these two dragons mirror each other, which means that these two dragons are one and the same. Within the alien race where this myth originates, there are both skeptics and believers.
The skeptics interpret this myth as a cautionary parable about wealth and power. They believe that what the story is trying to do is teach a lesson that becoming rich doesn’t necessarily make you a better person, especially when all that wealth and power goes to your head.
The believers stand by their assumption that this myth is a written documentation of an actual creature that several members of this social divide have seen at one time or another in their life. Like our planet’s fabled Bigfoot and Loch Ness monster, they’ve fanatically collected photographs and other physical evidence in the hope of proofing that this creature actually exists.
The last page in the file is an 8 x 10 printout of a zoomed-in area of a digital photograph dated shortly before these tablets were translated. It shows this creature standing on top of a hill, presumably looking at the person taking its photograph.
~Zeek Slider