| Diet: Herbivore
Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 10 |
Information: This creature is raised domestically due to several ancient myths about it. The most popular of these myths claims that this creature once drank from a lake that gave life to the entire planet. It drank so much that it ran the lake dry. As a result, the planet started to wither and die. When it saw what it had done, it tried to throw the water back up into the lake. It ultimately couldn’t, and the fell further into death. Feeling extremely guilty, it began to cry. Its tears refilled the lake and brought new life back to the dying world. Grateful for the creature’s effort to fix the mistake it made, the planet gave it the ability to heal the sick and the dying. However, to do this, it had to sacrifice itself. The reasoning was that the plants it eats on a daily basis all get their life from the same lake it drank out of, and the plants sacrifice their lives so that the creature can live.
Religious scholars believe this myth is part of a larger creation myth to explain the complicated food web of the planet in terms where death can be accepted. No information as to which culture that may be.
The children of this culture apparently have a practical joke involving pulling the tail of this creature. The resulting effect is causing the creature to involuntary urinate on whoever was unfortunate enough to do said action.
~Zeek Slider