Danger Level: 9
Social Ability: 8
Observation: The name was given by the original observer due to the similarities in color to the Earth Black Widow and its ability to stalk very effectively.
Its leg configuration gives it the perfect support and balance for effectively hide while stalking. The bulk of its body literally hovers over the ground thanks to its wide stance and smooth walking gait. It can follow its prey for hours and not be spotted! Once within striking range, it jumps silently into the air and slashes at the unsuspecting victim until it is killed. Coincidently, it only hunts the male gender of any of its prey. It determines the gender of its prey through microscopic sensors on its antennas that are specialized to pick up the scent emitted by males who have just completed mating.
During its own mating season, males die from exhaustion upon fertilizing females. Their corpse is then used as a protective shell for the millions of eggs the female will produce in the following 32 hours. When the eggs hatch, the larva will consume what remains of the corpse of their father in order to grow and survive. As soon as they sprout legs, the juveniles are considered adults and are off to learn how to hunt on their own. Out of the millions born, only a few hundred will actually live to mate. The rest are often killed during their first hunt.
~Zeek Slider