Danger Level: 7
Social Ability: 9
Information: This insect is commonly found in areas of high mold and fungus concentrations. Their numbers seem to be extremely high if said mold and fungus is of the poisonous variety. It will live in these areas in order to collect spores from the mold that it will use when hunting prey. The spores are stored on its wings until it begins to fly. During flight, the majority of the spores are distributed back into the area to promote pollination.
When hunting prey, it will glide from a great height, only beating its wings if it needs to extend the glide. It does this to conserve the poisonous spores on its wings. When it locates a prey target, it will land and then angle itself in relationship to the air flow of the area in order to maximize its tactic. Once it has carefully positioned itself, it will beat its wings furiously sending a cloud of the spores towards the prey. Unable to escape, the prey soon submits to the spores’ poisonous effect. This creature will then proceed to consume the fallen creature. Between every bite, it will spit a green liquid to either side of its location. This green liquid is the prey’s blood after it has inhaled the spores. The creature does this in order to not become a victim of its own weapon.
~Zeek Slider