Danger Level: 5
Social Ability: 6
Observation: My niece describes this creature as the cutest thing she ever saw. It reminds her of a koala in appearance, which I agree. She also notes that they are often sought after as pets for those with large gardens, partly out of disappointment that she lives in an apartment complex where there are no trees for this creature to climb on. Clearly she wants one as a pet.
Much like the koala, it eats a waxy leaf found on the trees it climbs. Once there, it is safe from any predators that would fancy to take a bite out of it. It should come as no surprise to anyone that this results in difficulties when trying to get a domesticated one down from a tree it climbed in the garden.
Because they are bred as pets, they are relatively easy to care for. All they need is some edible vegetation, which can take some time to determine if its natural diet is not available, and trees to climb. It’s recommended that first-time owners trim trees so that they are no taller than four feet should the little bugger become stubborn and not want to leave its tree.
~Zeek Slider